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    How it works

    How do you complete the second task?

    I've uploaded my screenshot a million times, and its always had the required number of wins, 10. I have 20 wins and it still says I did something wrong and my task is rejected.

    14 april 2020 02:38 11

    i think that the rewards are for new players so you must screenshot 10 wins no more no less.but thats only a theory

    14 april 2020 02:57 11

    hmmm thanks for help

    14 april 2020 11:14 11

    I can't even do the first task. I shot the screen twice, could they not understand because of the language?

    14 april 2020 14:24 11

    how do you view your wins even?

    14 april 2020 17:10 11

    I know it sounds ridiculous, but you need a new gaijin account for each task, that's why they won't accept it. Also you can view your wins by clicking on your profile somewhere on top.

    14 april 2020 19:32 11

    You need a new account for each task?! That's completely ridiculous and stupid. Oh well. Guess its impossible.

    14 april 2020 19:50 11

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