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    How to get SG very fast ?

    hello guys i'm new in gamehag i wonder how can i get a huge amount of SG very fast and does level up will help me ? thx

    7 november 2017 16:30 1628

    Guessing game is a one way ticket to heaven or ****, depending on how lucky you are. Don't try it though.

    Fastest gems would be to do the Game tasks, especially the Autoplay games, where you hardly have to do anything -- other than clicking Next, Complete and such buttons -- to complete the task. Don't forget: You need a new account for each of the games in order to be rewarded.

    If you're good at writing (good spelling and being able to talk alot about a specific topic) and you love doing it, you could start writing articles. If they get approved, you'd get at least 300 soul gems. You can submit 3 articles at a time and articles are being reviewed once or twice a week, but could sometimes take longer.
    I once received 700 soul gems from one article, and it's my major source of income here, so long as I have an eye on a reward I really want and the inspiration to write about something. Most people write reviews about a game.

    Gamehag says Contracts are the most profitable way to earn gems, though most people complain that they didn't receive any gems even though they've completed the task, and after contacting the Contractor's support, they haven't been helped. I did a few of those 'Download app and reach level X' and usually didn't earn anything, so I tend to stay away from it, but feel free to try it yourself. If everything happens to work for you, you could get rich (in soul gems) really fast.

    Minigames aren't fast, but could provide a viable income. You can earn a maximum of 200 gems daily from minigames, and when playing the right minigames, you won't need more than 2 hours to reach that limit. If you commit to earning 50 gems a day from minigames, you could have 1500 gems (+220 from daily/weekly login bonuses) every month.
    All little bits add up over time.

    But the fastest way to get Soul gems, is through the referal program. If you're part of a big community, you could invite them to Gamehag, and for every person that reaches 1000 soul gems, you receive 200 soul gems. Marvelousga had a lot of referals and usually received 3000-5000 soul gems daily, and because of that, he was always number 1 on the daily leaderboard, giving him another 1000 soul gems every day.
    I mentioned this as last, because not everyone is Pewdiepie, with has a big fan-base. But if you have like, 1000 subscribers on Youtube, it's worth trying. Not too much effort in leaving a link to Gamehag in your description.

    I hope this helps.

    8 november 2017 11:03 1628

    Also, to answer your other question: Levelling up gives you some Soul gems, yes, but it's not alot for the amount of comments you need to post daily for each next level. For reaching level 8, I received 90 gems. Level 7: 75 gems. Level 6: 60 gems.

    You'll get more as you reach higher levels, but I only consider it as a small bonus for being a Gamehag member. It's not fast, not much, an equivalent to the daily login bonus. That being said, do post and do game tasks. Every level you get gives you soul gems, and again, over time those little bits will add up and make a great number.

    8 november 2017 11:15 1628

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