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    How it works

    advice for beginners

    suggestions for our friends who have just uploaded the game

    5 november 2017 10:49 2240

    Take the Little Monster

    9 june 2018 17:42 2240

    do something

    9 june 2018 22:32 2240

    Buy the buldozer car and smash evryone

    18 june 2018 12:08 2240

    these game so hard. dont play this if you dont know lol game

    5 july 2018 03:24 2240

    Oa yeni basladım bu ne amq

    9 july 2018 23:35 2240

    Play the tutorial (training) so you get the basics then play as much as you can if you like it, it's easy and quick to learn, the basics are pretty simple.

    13 july 2018 18:03 2240

    Take different champs (cars) for different maps, depending on what you want to do. For Cursed Necropolis take a transporter because they will start first and have the greatest chance of grabbing the bomb first, i like the little monster for that one. For Heavy Metal Arena, i usually take an interceptor because there's a lot of room to deal a lot of damage and help your team win, i prefer Wildfire for this one. For the Temple of Sacrifice i'd take a support, like Photon. Now this is all situational. The perfect 4-man team i've found working the best is: 1 Transporter, 2 Interceptors and 1 Support, so you will have to think accordingly of the current game you are playing.

    14 july 2018 01:19 2240

    Play black lotus,secure the ball every time,and then score.

    22 july 2018 00:18 2240

    its a low en pc or a high en pc game ?

    24 july 2018 16:09 2240

    Here is an updated guide for all HMM players

    29 december 2018 18:19 2240

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