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    The End of Poptropica

    This once-popular game accompanied some of us to go through boring times, but it's popularity dropped as the developers create islands too slow.

    Poptropica, a game which you go onto quests on different islands to get medallions. I once loved this game so much, that my mom had to frequently change the password so often, she forgot the password too. The characters in Poptropica were very cartoonish, which I fell in love instantly. Solving Poptropica Islands need both skill and intelligence. During free time in computer class, our teacher let us play Poptropica, and I was always the one to help my classmates to solve the islands and that made me popular in class. During break, my friends and I would discuss Poptropica Cheats and how to solve an island. One guy even bought a Poptropica Cheats book and the whole class got crazy about it.

    Unfortunately, the developers of this game create islands too slow, that gamers lost their patience and turned to other games. One day, when I felt particularly bored, my memories of me gaming suddenly went up to me and I remembered Poptropica. I then tried to play it. The setup was similar to what I remembered, different floating islands to choose for you to discover. But now, there were less choices.(I suspected that they don't have enough money to maintain the sever for those popular islands, for example Skullduggery Island, Lunar Colony Island, Astroknight Island,etc.) They only had Mission Atlantis, 24 Carrot Island, Timmy Failure Island, Arabic Nights Island, Poptropolis Island, Poptropicon Island, and the Tutorial Island.

    I then checked out the store, which they only had few options to choose and a majority amount which you had to have membership to buy those clothes and accessories. After that, I tried to play Poptropicon Island, one of my favorite islands to play, and went into the chat room. There was nobody there, not like in 2014, where the chat room was full of players, chatting and playing those player versus player games. It was in all the same, but it definitely felt like a ghost town.

    I also checked out the Home Island, where they added a Pet Barn, where you can adopt an animal to accompany on your quest, but I think it's very annoying as it blocks your view.

    Today, I visited Poptropica and there was only Home Island, 24 Carrot Island, Snagglemast Island (Tutorial Island for new players), Poptropicon Island and Survival Island. (I've tried going to the third page for more islands, but it didn't let me.) I have also tried to explore Home Island, and it lagged.

    So the truth is here: Poptropica is losing money and I think they are going to shut down Poptropica. So if you guys wanna play it, now is the chance. Don't wait too long, or else you'll never get to play this beautiful game again.

    2 april 2020 14:18 1625

    Thank you so much for reading my article :)

    2 april 2020 14:38 1625

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