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    Happy Wheels and Divine Intervetion

    Do you remember these games?

    So, what are Happy Wheels?
    It is a good, funny and brutal 2d game. It is pretty old as well to be exact it is almost 10 years old so yeah. We are almost there. Only a few months to go so let's give it up to James Bonacci. Also forget to add it is a game when you feel down or depressed and don't know what to do than just open up you browser type Happy Wheels and open the first link and start playing the game.

    So let's talk about the gameplay.
    Well, first of all, when you press "PLAY" there are just popular levels made by other people and those levels are just really good as well, but if you go to browse levels then you will see a whole bunch of levels there, replays and all that good stuff. If you choose to play the levels that pop up then at first you will maybe be a little confused why are they so bad because it is an old game and everyone should be used to this programme. Well let me tell you something to try making your levels using this programme and see if you tell the same thing then, but that is another subject for a later spot. Let's get back to the levels and gameplay. The best thing is that you can filter the levels. If you want top-rated levels of all then you can play them, if you want most played you can search for them it is perfect! So let's get to the map creating.

    Map creating.
    First of all, there are many ways to build alike: 3D (NOT FIRST-PERSON!!!), there is a realistic style (takes a bit longer) and so on. There are many probs some might even say too many. I have tried to make a map and let's say it went terribly, but I believe that you, a reader can make a good map and get a good rating so get to it. And a little more about the construction/building a map. Like I said beforehand there are moving and clicking stuff in the game then I think there is a little programming there but I am not sure. (Do not cote on me on the last few words please and thanks.)

    News about the game.
    Recording to my knowledge the newest update was clicking on things, but the newest update that is coming out is new shiny 60 frames per second so yeah be ready when that drops. And they are trying to make a Javascript for the game so yeah nothing more to talk about the news of that game.

    A little about the other game as well. The game called Divine Intervention.
    It is also a 2d shooter game it is a bit more brutal/violent. You play as a priest who wants to save the world or something and he needs to fight all the demons. There are a few cheats in that game. There is a boss as well. On the way to the end, civilians give you some guns (only 2 sadly).

    And that wraps my game review on Happy Wheels and Divine Intervention. 
    Thank you for reading and being here.

    27 march 2020 23:39 1625


    28 march 2020 11:38 1625

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