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    Next batch of articles?

    It's been a while again. I do wonder when the next articles would be released. I can still post one though, and I probably should write about something, but I ran out of material. Anyone got any wild suggestions for me to write about?

    16 october 2017 12:43 1628

    I stopped writing for Gamehag.
    They seemed to like my "Rewards below 500SG series" since they all got accepted.
    You could pickup where i left off.

    16 october 2017 12:50 1628

    What do you generally they accept from people to write articales on?

    16 october 2017 14:20 1628

    Gamereviews mostly

    16 october 2017 16:13 1628

    I think anything gamerelated, as long as you're able to write something good about it. But yeah, it's easier to write reviews.

    16 october 2017 16:16 1628

    write about game series and how some franshises can trash 10-15 years of work with one release (say Sacred 3), why people give hateful reviews to good games in series if it's slightly different but still good.
    something like that?

    16 october 2017 20:18 1628

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