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    Best way to earn soul gems?

    Any thoughts? Doing the tutorial is good for starters, other than that the best option is the MMORPG games?

    12 october 2017 13:03 1628

    Promo Codes ;) playing mini games

    12 october 2017 13:50 1628

    If you can write alot about a topic, write articles. I get at least 300 SG's per article, most of them around 400-500, and one even earned me 700. I always try to queue up 3 articles to be reviewed, and when they all get accepted, I receive about 1000 sg's, just like that.

    Or, if you have a big social network, invite friends. Get 200 sg's for every referal that reaches 1000 soul gems. Doing contracts works too, but works depending on your location. Some countries get a lot of well paying offers, while others should be happy with 1 meager paying offer that actually works.

    12 october 2017 14:29 1628

    Daily Login 4 me, m8.

    12 october 2017 18:17 1628

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