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    How it works

    List of GameHag runes and their effects :D

    Below is a list of GameHag runes

    1 october 2017 06:06 1628

    ANSUS RUNE - Gives you +50% SG for 7 days by writing articles.
    BERKANA RUNE - Gives you a bonus of 50% SG when reffering to friends. This rune will be active for 7 days once you equipped it.
    FEHU RUNE - Gives you 10% SG for in-game tasks for 24 hours.
    HARL RUNE - Gives you +100% SG to mini games.
    MANNAZ RUNE - Gives you a bonus of +40% SG for daily login. This rune lasts for 7 days.
    RAIDO RUNE - Get +20% experience during 7 days.
    TIWAZ RUNE - Gives you +25% SG when you completing tasks from the walls of offers in 24 hours.

    This information is from: STRIX's Discord server (https://discord.gg/d8gvx6g)
    If you would like more help, I suggest that you join that Discord Server!

    1 october 2017 06:11 1628

    Claiming to be offline at discord for study purpose, then trying to help people on Gamehag forums😝😂

    Something i'd like to add about runes:

    Think VERY HARD if you decide to USE the rune for its bonus or just SELL it back to Gamehag for 50SG to avoid any disappointments!

    1 october 2017 06:24 1628

    I'm trying...

    1 october 2017 06:28 1628

    For those who are too lazy to do that^

    2 october 2017 11:37 1628

    Thanks, you reminded me that I have a spare ansus rune :D

    2 october 2017 11:50 1628

    MANNAZ RUNE - Gives you a bonus of +40% SG for daily login. This rune lasts for 7 days.

    So how does this rune work?
    40%SG on daily login
    Thats 7 times 40% on 5sg = 14SG
    40% on 20sg login bonus = 8SG

    So a total bonus of 22SG on a rune that i can sell for 50SG???

    What am i missing coz this smells fishy 😝

    2 october 2017 12:20 1628

    Let me correct myself:
    It's brought to my attention that MANNAZ rune has a value of 5SG
    So it is profitable to use that one instead of selling it

    4 october 2017 04:24 1628

    I can't sell fehu rune.

    30 december 2017 21:55 1628

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