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    Lost level problem

    I just got back on gamehag today and suddenly I lost my level, I didn't spam or use swear words.. Nothing. What even happen..?

    11 march 2020 06:22 1628

    Sometimes there's a bug that gets rid of your levels, which is neither common nor rare as it can happen randomly, but if you aren't active enough, then experience points will slowly drain away, essentially you have to talk every few hours.

    11 march 2020 06:37 1628

    that's probably the best way to put it, just be active! not in real life too, but on Gamehag.

    11 march 2020 06:37 1628

    So, is that the reason why I lost my level on Gamehag is because of that I didn't use it for a few days. And do you just have to go on, or do you actually have to earn xp to not lose xp?

    11 march 2020 08:41 1628

    Make at least one comment every day, and be extra careful with what you write, so it does not get marked as spam.

    11 march 2020 13:25 1628

    When someone reports your comment, it will be checked for spam or incorrect behavior, and you can lose 10% xp. I lose 10 at least once a week, someone does not like what I write in the forums.When someone reports your comment, it will be checked for spam or incorrect behaviour, and you can lose 10% xp. I loose

    11 march 2020 13:27 1628

    if you login regularly than you never loose your ex or your level

    12 march 2020 11:26 1628

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