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    How it works

    I already have an account that I play this with, do I rlly have to make a new acc?

    I already have an account that I play this with, do I rlly have to make a new acc? (for task)

    9 march 2020 12:55 11

    yes, i guess so! you delete all data from the game and once you follow the link from gamehag you should make a new acc

    9 march 2020 12:58 11

    oh god that sucks because i've already reached tier 3 and I remeber the grind being so hard. maybe i'll use another email acc idk cuz that other email is used to do other stuff, not games

    9 march 2020 13:00 11

    but the t-34 is so fun. I'd miss it a lot.

    9 march 2020 13:35 11

    You can just create another account, with other mail, and after completing the tasks, you can go back to the old account and play as you want. The task just work on an all-new account but this doesnt mean you have to throw away your old one.

    15 march 2020 01:28 11

    i havent tried doing the task of war thunder but if it will really require a new one i guess i have to im only on tier 2 on planes btw.

    15 march 2020 07:44 11

    I guess yes, you need a brand new account.

    16 march 2020 14:45 11

    yeah you do need a brand new account i think

    16 march 2020 16:20 11

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