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    Hey, who else is mad about this...

    UMM, have you ever lost some xp due to the fact that you haven't logged onto your Gamehag acc? Because I have and it's annoying!!! ;( I hate it. Do you hate it too?

    7 march 2020 12:45 1628

    UMM, have you ever lost some xp due to the fact that you haven't logged onto your Gamehag acc? Because I have and it's annoying!!! ;( I hate it. Do you hate it too?

    7 march 2020 12:50 1628

    Why have you just ctr+c and ctr+v my description

    7 march 2020 12:53 1628

    UMM, have you ever lost some xp due to the fact that you haven't logged onto your Gamehag acc? Because I have and it's annoying!!! ;( I hate it. Do you hate it too?

    7 march 2020 12:59 1628

    Yes its happening all the time

    7 march 2020 17:02 1628

    Its just annoying..

    7 march 2020 17:33 1628

    It has happened to me during my ban but I'm sure that the Moderators had a good reason for it and I'm sure that they are currently trying their best for this website but it would be quite helpful if they added a feature which would warn you or which would help you understand why you're losing exp

    7 march 2020 17:39 1628

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