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    Xbox One X vs. PC?

    Hey, how do y'all feel about the new Xbox One X? How do you think it will do against a modern PC? I believe it will force many companies to lower their prices for custom building PCs, as it renders native 4K resolution for only $500 USD, whereas a $700 PC can get you 1440p on the same games with the same FPS.

    27 september 2017 02:27 1628

    A PC is more than a gaming/multimedia and so had a wider audience than any game console. Game consoles more and more are just customized PCs with customized OS.
    The prices of gaming consoles won't affect the price of PC's that much if any, you can't really compare a PC against Playstation or Xbox or [insert your fav console here].
    it will be most likely be the other way around, as PCs and PC parts get cheaper, consoles will get cheaper to compete with PCs

    27 september 2017 03:38 1628

    Sure, this is true, but a HUGE part of the PC industry, is the gaming aspect of it. I think that, in particular, the video cards for modern PCs are going to dramatically decrease in price, seeing as the Xbox One X's GPU has 6 teraflops, and the console itself is only $500, whereas its closest GPU within it, the GTX 1070, is at 6.5 teraflops, and costs like $300 alone.

    27 september 2017 03:54 1628

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    Why on Earth would you want to buy a desktop PC or Mac in 2017? Simply put, there are computing needs that mobile devices like laptops and tablets can't fulfill as well as the stalwart desktop. Here's what to consider when deciding on your next desktop PC.

    27 september 2017 04:35 1628

    Of course there is gaming related hardware, but even so that hardware is always still multi purpose
    In case of videocards even bitcoin mining had more effect on INCREASING the price on videocards than the influence consoles ever will
    Some specs on a console may outperform and outprice the current PC equivelant but you are comparing dedicated and quickly outdating hardware vs multi purpose and upgradable hardware.
    How good the specs of your console might seem, it's mostly OUTDATED tech repurposed as dedicated hardware, the chips basically come from same manufacturers

    IMHO gaming consoles are less and less appealing since they are losing more and more what made them appealing in the first place:
    -Exclusive content ONLY for a specific console
    -Instant loading times (basically went the way of the dinosaur since we started ditching cartridge based media)
    -Longevity or life expectancy, not only are the quality of console builds getting less and less (ring of deaths/ bricking bugs/failing lasers) there seems to be a new one almost every year forcing to buy a whole new console
    -Ease of use, a gamingconsole used to be perfect for someone 'scared' of the 'complexity' of operating a computer/PC, but consoles nowadays keep adding more and more features making them in sub-par PCs with inflexibility of control and setup

    A big plus, even for somewhat dated PC's is BACKWARDS and CROSS-PLATFORM compatibility, even with outdated consoles through emulation

    Consoles are nowadays made for the sole purpose of locking a user forcing them to buy specific content, content that gets outdated or outright stops working(closing of online game services)

    Even with their "superior specs" on paper, there are examples of triple AAA titles that had seen a crippled release on PC for the sole purpose of not making the inferior consoleport look bad and losing customers

    A monopoly is always a bad thing (look up some of Nintendo's and Sony's history in gaming). A PC is a reasonably open platform and so anyone can program and publish for it(to some extend)

    Gameconsole are made and often sold for LOSS for the sole purpose of profiting on games and online subscribtions, a PC is not and a decked out gaming rig, although maybe expensive will outperform a current (and probably next- ) gen console any day while being able to do loads of stuff that the gameconsole can't or does in a very inferior way

    27 september 2017 07:23 1628

    The Xbox One X seems to have 6 Teraflops,but if you wanted to get ultra realistic graphics,you would need approximately 30 Teraflops.

    I like the fact that it's now cross-platform and that it has backwards compatibility.That's a plus.Now Sony just needs to accept cross-platform.

    IMHO I think that The new Xbox is kinda good.

    Oh and fun little fact: The original Xbox One Models have been discontinued due to the Xbox One X.

    27 september 2017 07:27 1628

    I'm not saying consoles are bad, im just saying they cater to a specific niche and comparing consoles to PCs is like comparing apples and oranges
    Then all this "Teraflop" talk, do you even know what a "teraflop" is or what it effectively means?

    And if you do can you point out how many games actually use all those "flops" ?

    80% of all games are just underperforming bug-filled shovelware(console AND PC), point out to me how many actually use the "full potential" of a current gen console?

    Then a lot of the "Flops" mainly go into ulra high def resolutions that to the average user with a fairly "normal" sized screen barely do anything

    Just because it CAN doesn't mean it WILL

    Multi-platform game devolopers tend to seek out the middle road so their game performs similar on all platforms, full potential of consoles more often than not only gets utilized at the nearing end of its lifespan

    It's like having a ferrari but not being able to drive it because you live in a packed suburban area with speedbumbs on the road every 50meters, or having a Hummer in the garage because you cannot afford payingfor the fuel it guzzles

    27 september 2017 07:50 1628

    what i hate about consoles is that games are always overpriced. Games for pc are always cheaper, so, while, yes, a PC able to render 4k is more expensive than an Xbox one x, in the long run pc gaming will still be cheaper. Also, pc gaming gives you more freedom: MODS

    27 september 2017 20:25 1628

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