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    How it works

    Life is strange

    Life is strange is a game with a storyline that can be changed by your choices.
    This games is about a child who discovers that she can reverse time and change things.
    She uses this at the first time for saving a girl who had been shoot but since than everything is changes.
    Life is strange is a game with a storyline that can be changed by your choices.
    This games is about a child who discovers that she can reverse time and change things.
    She uses this at the first time for saving a girl who had been shoot but since than everything is changes.
    This game shows you that everything is matter, even the smallest things. In this game, every choice, without exceptions, changes everything in the past, future and present.
    This girl finds that a big storm is coming and she tries to stop it and meanwhile she tries to find a girl who is missing for a long time and she discovers shocking answers.
    Every part is also affected by the previouses parts but the intersting thing is that the last choice always the same and this is the most important decision that shows you that althougth everything matters, there are things that must stay as they are.
    This game includes 5 parts, while the first one is a demo and free to download on steam and the others don't.
    When I heared about this game I couldn't understand why this game can be so good, but trust me, it is more than good, probably the best game I've ever played.
    I must say that I don't remember myself playing so much in row because I am so interesed what's going next.
    Not a long time ago a prequell to this game has been announced and I can't tell you how much I am waiting for all the parts of the prequell.
    If you are looking for good game to pass time and to feel connected to the main character and her choices, this is exactly the game for you.

    25 september 2017 13:56 1625

    shouldnt it be an article

    28 september 2017 00:24 1625

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