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    How it works

    Soul Gems- gamehag

    Let's look, How to win Soul Gems... ^_^

    1. Click on the top of the gamehag on the top left and there are more in the shape of it.                                                                                        
    2. You will earn a certain amount of soul gems by stating your own knowledge in the forums.                                                                                                        
    3. I think the most time-consuming minigames such as The sorcorer gives 1 Soul Gems per 25000 Points, you can contract 50 Soul Gems in 1 hour.                                                                                                                                                                                                        
    4. Giveaway If you join the giveaways by downloading the events that come up to your devices, you win certain prizes.                                                                   
    5. Complete tasks are the most difficult and hardest (I think) like playing games and winning games.027LbF1LmVDOgdp3gCkDYsbmbYOyrm.png                                                                                                                                                                                                
    6. Create Content For example, as I do now, by making Articles, you earn 35 Soul Gems, there are certain rules.                                                                  
    7. Buy More If you are one of those who do not want to deal with, you can buy Soul Gems with direct money.                                                              
    8. Carry out a contract follow-up surveys etc. You can earn soul gems by doing things. My suggestion is to do these tasks on mobile, iPad, iphone because most of them are done with these 3.                                                                                                                                                        
    9. Opening a Safe For example, runes that come out of crates can be sold if you are not going to use, and they usually have prices between 1-10-100.                                                                                                                                                                                                           
    10. By logging in daily, you earn 5 Soul Gem for every day you enter this site, if you continue this for a week, you will receive 20 bonus Gem, with this method you have 55 SoulGem.xwaauNruGN1odFAmtuXbjturXOlEq5.jpg       
    11. The site has its own codes, usually the safe comes out of these codes, but usually runes can be sold if you are not going to use them.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
    12. If you download the game from Gamehag's mobile application and do something according to the lens (Ex: Get the 4th Level Town Hall in Castle Clash game), it claims that it gives SoulGem, but it does not.                                                                                                                  
    13. You can win by playing browser games; by playing the browser or download games chosen by the site, but of course we have a missing lens.                                                                                                                                                                                                             
    14. As the person who collects the most SoulGems on a daily or weekly basis, if you are among the three who gather the most SoulGems in a day or week, they will give 1000 bonus to the first, 500 to the second and 300 to the third.                                                                                                             
    15. Guessing Game level three and above are three teams that can participate in this event. 

    I hope my guide has helped you, this is my first proper articulation, so I may have done several lines. I'm sorry.

    11 february 2020 19:47 1625

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