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    Where are my fucking gems ?

    Yeeted gems

    21 january 2020 05:42 2148

    they don't lie about giving gems you just didn't follow the instructions, fairly easy.

    28 february 2020 19:47 2148

    You have to ask the supprot for every single task you wanna do probaably. Cuz you always will be kinda rejected even if you do the rigth stuff. At least for me I'm only get gems after contact the staff, writing a big message explaining the problem (yeah every a problem that occurs - And they are multiple)

    29 february 2020 22:51 2148

    Did your gems just disappear?

    1 march 2020 19:57 2148

    Yup! I got gems after, and only after contacting the support and explaning the problem. The funny stuff is that I got two (different) game tasks accepted, after contacting them about just one game.

    Edit 1: If I understood correctly, you are perhaps asking about the gems been received but afterwards disappeared. If it is the case, I have to say that this don't happened to me, but if it happens with anyone or even you, I really don't understand why and I don't see other way for it to be resolved but asking the support for this severious and unexpected problem.

    7 march 2020 20:10 2148

    No hes right, i too just had my step 1 approved and saw no Gem Balance increase. there may be some glitch regarding this part of the code, not biggie, at least they made you whole again Gabe, im doing a support now too. Hopefully they fix it.

    7 march 2020 21:59 2148

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