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    How it works

    War Thunder

    War Thunder it's a game concerning air battles, it's a free to play with an huge potential and accessible to everyone.

    The interface is very simple, veterans and newbies won't have any problem to understande it. The graphic is really well done! the airplanes are very accurate and pleasing to the eyes, landscape are varied and offer differnet approaches to the challenge.T
    The tutorial is really simple, here you can learn the flight tenchiques and how to anticipate the opponent's movement, so you won't spend a lot of time to learn how to move in the sky


    The game is really frantic with opponents and allies that fly in the sky and their supports who try to kill you (or the other team) from the land. Sometimes i found organized teams, and it was SPECTACULAR!

    During the first matches probably you won't do so much, the reason is simple, even thought war thunder allows to choose between a simulative sistem and an arcade sistem you still have to develop abilities and skills for playing better, kill an enemie is not as easy as you can think! But everyone can learn, it's not impossible, all you need is patience.
    In addiction to the classic pvp mode (arcade battles, historical battles and full real battles) you can play the dynamic campaign that requires less skills but offer the same amusement!


    The game's main coin is the Silver Lion and you can use it for shop airplanes and upgrades, when you launch the game the first time you will receive 50 000 Silver Lion.
    The question is spontaneous: do you have to shop for a better experience? Absolutely no! The "paytowin" is almost nonexistent, so if you, like me, are poor you can play in peace without enemies who shot your planes in 0.1 seconds

    DOWNLOAD IT? I think so. It's really fun, accessible to everyone and... IT'S FREE, so try, you can't lose nothing.

    12 september 2017 15:29 1625

    war thunder is almost good game If the tanks were not ...

    14 september 2017 15:25 1625


    Why would you think so? You do not have to play the tank mode.

    14 september 2017 15:37 1625

    I got bored of it quickly

    4 february 2019 15:26 1625

    What's the game size??

    5 february 2019 11:23 1625

    it's free to play and you'll get point for it.

    5 february 2019 11:58 1625

    Just one question: How long do games last in War Thunder

    5 february 2019 22:33 1625

    i don't like it anyway thanx ;)

    9 february 2019 13:11 1625

    Fun game and best game ever for war game

    10 february 2019 09:50 1625

    The game is alright i dont think it will grow more

    10 february 2019 19:51 1625

    It's worth the SG and the time, Cool game.

    10 february 2019 21:56 1625

    The interface is very simple

    11 february 2019 05:46 1625

    it is a good game in terms of graphics and realism but when it comes to the battles, i am finding it really difficult. even the solo missions - though I only found out about that recently as well as I chose Japan in planes - which might not have been a good idea!

    14 february 2019 04:59 1625

    a games that i get bored after playing for just an hour

    14 february 2019 05:22 1625

    it's free to play and you'll get point for it.

    14 february 2019 18:05 1625

    Great game on its on also you get a lot of sgs out of it

    14 february 2019 20:00 1625

    Not bad for a free game

    15 february 2019 01:39 1625

    I've played this game before,I don't know what's going on with it now.

    15 february 2019 05:44 1625

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