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    Is Adopt Me a child friendly game?

    This game is about adopting a child and when I played it a lot of people were online dating and stuff is adopt me a child-friendly game?

    30 december 2019 18:48 2173

    The game itself is child frendly but you will see some players being toxic about who has what pets and whether or not they accept or decline a certain trade. There are not as many online daters as other roblox games. Overall, the game itself is fine but the players are probably not.

    30 december 2019 19:41 2173

    I think it is supposed to be child friendly just that the players are corrupted haha. Just report if they are online dating

    1 january 2020 15:25 2173

    YES is somone kid game

    1 january 2020 15:27 2173

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