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    Rewards not receiven (READ PLEASE)

    Hello reader, as you might see in the title of this thread it's about a reward I haven't received. I haven't received my 10£ Steam Wallet YET. So I wondered about how long it took for you, if you got one. So please if you have gotten it from here, please tell how long it took for yours to come ;) And I know there can go up to 30 days, but I really wanna know.

    30 december 2019 08:04 1628

    Hello reader, as you might see in the title of this thread it's about a reward I haven't received. I haven't received my 10£ Steam Wallet YET. So I wondered about how long it took for you, if you got one. So please if you have gotten it from here, please tell how long it took for yours to come ;) And I know there can go up to 30 days, but I really wanna know.

    30 december 2019 08:06 1628

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