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    Skyrim steam key

    Hi everyone I wanted to ask For those of you that ordered and received the SKYRIM key When you activated it did you get the legendary edition with all the Dlcs listed Or was it just the base game And thanks in advance

    28 november 2019 21:17 1628

    It was just the base game. I got mine 2 days ago and it's just the base game. But I'm not sure if the legendary version even exists anymore on steam, so I'm downloading it rn to see if the dlcs are still actually included. But so far, from what I can tell it's just the base game.

    21 december 2019 07:37 1628

    OK SO QUICK UPDATE. IT HAS FINISHED INSTALLING. I've launched it and it says that all the dlcs are indeed there. So if you still haven't gotten the game yet, you can rest assured that the dlcs are there.

    21 december 2019 08:08 1628

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