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    Who actually bought robux here?

    I once bought robux with money (not from gamehag) like 3 years ago (2016)now that I found this i actually noticed in wasted money

    12 november 2019 17:55 2173

    robux brought me here lol

    12 november 2019 19:00 2173

    you cant buy robux here search robux for free robuxsssssssssssssssss! dont forget to complete tasks

    12 november 2019 19:30 2173

    and ı like robuxxxxxxxxxxxxxx because ı like them they are very good ı can use them to buy gamepass but that means you need to work and that means this now READ THAT -> MOM: hey (YOUR NAME) why did you spend my dollars! ım angry ıll **** your robux and headphones you are not my kid now *throws you from the window* XD
    ı like ittttttttttttttttt

    12 november 2019 19:33 2173

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