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    What is up with kicking?

    So i was playing inferno map. Nothing too serious. I killed someone with ak and later put a graffiti on wall. After that i got instantly votekicked off the server. Right after this happened i joined another game, killed 3 ct's with botgun and also got instantly votekicked. Why? Is there something about botgun users? btw. cheats are for losers.

    9 august 2017 17:15 808

    ur bad (for them)

    16 august 2017 23:15 808

    if its casual then there'll definitely be some guys/friends playing like a team or trolling all the other guys
    I was the top fragger at 15kills, in CT de_dust2 and all of a sudden they kicked me :(

    21 august 2017 09:26 808

    my only guess is they were trolling, most people with very low trust factor just like to troll others and do everything that they can to tilt the team.

    23 november 2018 07:09 808

    Yeah csgo is really toxic nowadays. Try getting into lobbies with people before starting your game so you know who you're dealing with

    23 november 2018 18:30 808

    Yeah csgo definitly sucks if your playing with people who you are not familiar with, most of them are trolls, smurfs, or just toxic players

    24 november 2018 03:52 808

    After many solo ques, my strategy is to not talk at the start and mute everyone who is just toxic in general. Not engaging a troll tends to not get me kicked,

    25 november 2018 05:31 808

    However if they ever try i remind them that it costs them points off their trust factor to kick people. Repeating "doit! Take the elo damage for the kick. " tends to stop them.

    25 november 2018 05:32 808

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