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    Gamehag rules

    Is it allowed to create multiple accounts on Gamehag? I didn't create more than this account but I would like to know because I want to create a second account.

    24 june 2019 15:38 1628

    Unfortunately this is forbidden in Gamehag and you can't have 2 or more accounts with a same device, If you do this you will be banned from Gamehag and you will be forced to delete both of your accounts to create a new one if you want to use this site again.

    24 june 2019 18:02 1628

    Most of the programs I know never allow for a 2nd account.

    24 june 2019 18:05 1628

    Then why does it show this question when trying to get help on Misty?

    24 june 2019 18:07 1628

    its forbidden

    10 july 2019 19:43 1628

    Misty asks if you have a second account on gamehag to see if you are not trying to cheat by completing a task 2 times on 2 different accounts, it would show the same ip adress completing a task twice, that's also the reason why you need to create a new account for playing games if you played them before outside the site

    10 july 2019 19:48 1628

    So that is just a way to check if people are cheating?

    10 july 2019 20:01 1628

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