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    Article SPAM Bug

    Hello, I sent an article some days ago but it got rejected for the reason: SPAM, I checked my article from the GH app (you can see others comment there) but there was not any comments, even no rates; I sent it again with some changes but the same result happend again, I talked to Misty and masssge her 2 times but always got from her a copy text that didn't help, I am sure nobody even has seen my article, I made so many efforts for it but it doesn't have any chances, the sad part is we can see many spam articles every day in the voting section but for real articles no! Same problem happend for user @KayZeeSlayerCsgo, what should we do? The bot that checked these articles is so buggy; now my purple rune is wasting...

    2 june 2019 19:58 1628

    my article name is: Counter-Strike Global Offensive – Part 1, did anyone see it in voting section?!

    2 june 2019 19:59 1628

    @Sebastian50, I don't think that so-called 'bot' you mentioned is the one validating the articles on gamehag. I think it is manually validated by the gamehag moderators as far as I can remember, basically, if they think that your article is spam then it is spam. I may not have an extensive knowledge regarding the articles section but I have read those threads who had the same problem as yours and with the moderators reply to them.

    Also, I have not seen your article but you may use this guide in order to see what the problem was and try comparing it to the moderator's accepted persective - https://gamehag.com/forum/t/53130-how-to-get-your-article-accepted-from-a-moderators-point-of-view

    Check if it follows the necessary guidelines.

    Cheers, IIGalahadII

    3 june 2019 07:27 1628

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