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    How it works

    talking in the forums?

    it says that talking in the forums is one of the ways to earn gems, and i was wondering how?

    23 may 2019 09:12 1628

    ok so how many levels will i have to make to get my first amount? i know spam will lose me points so i cant just spam.

    23 may 2019 09:22 1628

    I think you get sg for lvls after lvl 2, this si copied from faq:
    You gain the experience points (xp) needed to advance to the next level and receive a grade. For each consecutive level, you receive Soul Gems. Their amount depends on the level you've reached. In order to avoid spam, there is a limit of 10 accountable posts every 24 hours.

    If you wan't to get exp you can get some from playing games.

    23 may 2019 13:22 1628

    Post on the forums but not too much and as long as you arent spamming you will be fine

    25 may 2019 00:18 1628

    Guys is it possible to lose level so fast in just one day

    25 may 2019 04:12 1628

    And also write the answers in forum that matches the title. Other things asking in different title of forum is not tolerated.

    25 may 2019 16:12 1628

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