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    Questions regarding 5 usd Visa card

    Ok guys uptill now i have only and only taken 100s of usd worth steam wallet and then selling them to buyers that is some thing entirely my personal plan ; but thing is to note that i have only invested my soul gems into taking reward of "Steam Wallets" now thing is i kinda need to buy 5 usd google playstore credits on my google play store account ;
    question is it possible with this reward https://gamehag.com/shop/visa-prepaid-card-5-usd and question is whats with the prepaid visa reward verification of visa card with "Paypal" account please can some one explain this to me.
    A m8 of mine told me you need to send verify prepaid visa card from paypal i didnt understand this back then please what is the full procedure pls help me understand.

    23 may 2019 03:49 1628

    That is what I did to my 5 USD Visa,
    I went to the link they game and put my information until the visa was completed, hen I went to my paypal account and added this visa to the account from the information I made and from the extra information they gave me like secret code and expire time....etc,
    One I've done that I went to steam and added those funds (5 USD) using the paypal option and picking the visa I just put , it took the 5 USD and purchase was competed.
    If you would any more details I am happy to help ^_^ .

    23 may 2019 06:09 1628

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