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    Tema comentado Top Upcoming Games in 2020.
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    First of all, let me greet you. I am berroni, and in this topic, you will read about the best upcoming PC games, and about the most popular nowadays question - What are the best upcoming PC games of 2020?. I will do my best to stay simple and short, yet again. After all, it is just a topic and there is no need at all for a big talk. There is nothing else I can say to you in this introduction except these simple words: Sit back, relax & mark your calendar.

    As we all already know, this year will be and already is full of genre surprises and changes. From the slightest details of M&B II: Bannerlord changing the Two-Handed mode from a sword that is swung by two hands to two swords in the two hands, which did mark medieval genre from its release into the future - to the incredible Half-Life, let's say 3rd part which everyone expected and complained about until 2 years ago. What are your expectations from this new Half-Life? The first one brought us Counter-Strike which is played from that period to now no matter which release, is this Alyx one planning to fight the Riot's strike of Valorant(tf2 and csgo source code leak now? one more Valorant is coming or they just threated, I am currently awaiting the next big title to suspect it) to Valve through the VR feature? I am expecting much from Alyx indeed, Half-Life was genre-changing and who knows, this one could actually bring some interesting PC-changes when we watch from the VR point of the view, let's not say the genre. From the slightest to one of biggest mysteries, but don't forget that almost-forgotten Monster Hunter World's Iceborne DLC ate all other games improvements, and let's just say that Season 6 of PUBG has started(which indeed is the main event of most steam community members)
    The closest releases are Gears Tactics and Moving Out, both releasing on April 28th. Which one are you currently waiting for?


    May is not bringing much of the titles, but 3 big ones are coming indeed

    Wasteland 3 The first one, coming out May 19th is the Wasteland 3. There is no Early-Access for this game on Steam, but pre-purchase is available for you not to worry later on if you miss the first day. The third release will follow its pre sequel Wasteland 2 which won the title of Game of the Year which put the post-apocalyptic genre one step above, where it always deserved to be. I am quite surprised with its studio inXile Entertainment which gave almost none information of its product, relying on its pre sequel - nothing for the ones who have not played it. That is quite a flaw in its promotion, but yet the story is quite interesting. It is based in post-apocalyptic ice-cold Colorado, which is a surprise for everyone, there will be a lot of dialogue that will frustrate you & make you regret your spent money. For fans of turn-based games it might be surprising, but personally - I will downvote it as a flaw of the year due to the studio's unprofessionalism in each promotional way.

    Cancerous Trending The second game you should not expect from the May is critical cancer that will overflow your youtube gaming trending scene. I will suggest you not to open it from the May 26th(not only PC, this time PS4, XBOX One & Switch too) to the May 26th of 2025.

    Fast & Furious Crossroads Michelle Rodriguez and Vin Diesel will once again, developed by Slightly Mad Studios(Project Cars) and published by Bandai Namco, blow your mind. The game promised what nobody could expect last year when it was announced, heists. It will roar its machine onto PC, PS4 & Xbox One, and it indeed will drop at the end of this May. The interesting fact is that the next movie Fast & Furious 9 hits the theatre the same month. I can +rep the one who gave idea of this release date, and I would when I would be the same level as him. It is a team-based vehicular-heist game, and If you want to play this game first watch the movie since you may ruin it by playing the game firstly. Let's not review it further, the important fact is that it's coming.



    At the month of July, date fourtheen, you can expect a new title called Death Stranding. The game did shock the PC community due to its high attention it granted to the Dazzling Visuals & Realistic Emotional Momentum. The game is developed by Kojima Productions(Hideo Kojima - Each Metal Gear Solid) and published by our very famous 505 Games which did fill our hearts with joy quite often. The game already has its pre-purchase option available on Steam Store & 13000 peoples have already brought it. This one bring you never before experienced genre-defying. It is your quest to brave a world utterly transformed by the Death Stranding. Use your courageousness and carry the remnants of the civilization's future in your own hand, embark on a journey to reconnect the dissipated world step by step.


    Through the September there are 2 big titles coming out. The first one is Cyberpunk 2077, where is absolutely no need to talk about it since everything is already told.
    Both games are coming out for PC, PS4, Xbox One and Stadia.
    The second one, more interesting to me personally, is Marvel's Avengers, being published on September 4th. Yes, you have heard me well. It's a big step from this company, and in its game they are offering the world a chance of living as their favourite Avenger in the Marvel Universe. After the shock of their last released movies end, the shock appears in this game directly at the beginning. A terrifying event where they all fail, monster ultimately tears the team apart and see them losing one of their own. Guess who, lol. But, years later, they all are forced to reassemble since there is even a greater threat to civilization. They will do it, and it's your choice to guide them from now on.


    TBC (To be confirmed)

    • The Elder Scrolls: Blades – (Switch :/)
    • Dying Light 2 – (PC, PS4 and Xbox One)
    • Destroy All Humans! Remake - (PC, PS4, Xbox One and Stadia)
    • Microsoft Flight Simulator – (PC, Xbox One) - I am waiting for this 32GB RAM ideal CPU-swarm
    • Skull and Bones – (PC, PS4 and Xbox One) - Everything Pirate fans have awaited for. The talk about it started 4 years ago.
    • Gods and Monsters – (PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch and Stadia)

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    Hell's armies have invaded Earth. It is up to you to become the slayer and conquer demons across dimensions to stop the final destruction of humanity. Save the civilization, they fear nothing except you. It's an FPS single-player action campaign with glorious graphics details & soundtrack.  


    All at Once 

    If you've enjoyed Doom 2016 or enjoyed any shooter childhood game, Doom Eternal is a tough teacher yet more enjoyable than any game has ever been, in my personal opinion. You will spend hours and hours in it, juggle half a dozen weapons, toss grenades, conquer the hordes of hell to spawn armour and stay afloat. You will also dodge their grenades and projectiles, manage the area, dash in and out, calculate which demon to attack based on who's damaging you the most currently - all at once, in one fight. It is quite obvious that you won't play it without sweating all the time. The main problem of everything is that tutorial cannot be made for such a masterpiece, there is no kind of guidance that can help you through certain situations of this game. You'll do all of that to one enemy, but then proceeding the fight marauder appears with the shield that even rocket projectile can't damage, and you won't stop shooting the marauder while others we've mentioned before will damage you. You will flick enormously fast through your inventory to select a new weapon, and once you spend all the ammo of each weapon you have - you can just hope they all have died. The game is frustrating all the time, and you will rage constantly, but once you get into it more and more, after hours and hours done in it, you will enjoy it like none before, enjoy and relax doing the things that have frustrated you, the things we mentioned before.  Like many big names from the developer team have said, it's all about the brain. When your brain gets to the point of understanding it, when your brain particles lead the firings, when you enter the Flow Zone - that's when you will enjoy. We've said that most of your frustration comes when those marauders with shield appear. Let me ask you, will you frustrate when some of these start dashing even faster than you?


    Strategies in Doom Eternal evolve over the course of the game, and you will simply keep changing them as you get better weapons or as you get better at ripping and tearing that's shielding itself or dashing more than others. The most interesting part of it all isn't necessarily inducing this state for a player, actually the opposite - it is for researchers who are studying the concept. It is not on you to study the game like most are doing, the game will do it for you. Your brain will get used to the new one without any study, the game will lead it. It is all up to your brain, yet it's all based on feelings. And all the people have different feelings, so don't watch the tutorials or tips on the internet as they won't help - you will ruin your satisfaction. It is literally same as when you would ask your friend who's sitting next to you on how he shoots and how he feels he should shoot when his brain gets into the Flow Zone. He would laugh at your question, just as you would laugh at your friends. 


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    Overgrowth is the game that allows you to quickly become the star of martial arts movie. You will clear your way towards the victory though jumping, kicking, throwing & slashing. Free the rabbits from negative, bad overlords & when you finish the story - then you'll play the prequel story, and at the end - try out nine years of mods developed by the community - or create your own mod.  Let me be simple - there is no end of it. 

    The Story of Development

     It's obligatory to start on development story in each article about Overgrowth since this game is the game that has shocked the steam community and each fan of the Kung Fu martial arts-kind game.  When the development of this game has begun, first Android Mobile Phone was not released how long ago it was. Literally, 9 years ago. How long it was, in-between of its development even the Humble Bundle, the very popular website, was created from the same developers - that's the story on how much the industry has changed while this games development trundled on. Through the nine years of work on the open development, adding the campaign & tons of content in-between. And, the most important fact - the game itself still feels underdevelopment from time to time, and new campaigns & content are still being added. Anyways, Overgrowth is still popular even 2 years after release, and in this article, we'll review its gloriousness.


    The Story

    The main character - humanoid rabbit, while playing the game you, is Turner. Turner is a giant rabbit man who has incredible strength. He runs with astonishing speed, he leaps hundreds of meters through the air and due to his strength his kicks are devastatingly brutal. And the thing I have loved most in this game, he kicks a lot. Turner is violent, he enjoys dealing the pain to the cats, dogs, wolves and traitorous rabbits that would keep his kind enslaved.  You won't kick just because you are violent, don't worry. You are kicking & being violent because those of your kind who are enslaved must find their own freedom through your help. The rabbits he's freeing frequently offer to help him in his quest, but everything he answers/chatters back is an angry sequence like " don't trust anyone with my back, not anymore." for example. Anyways, Turner was never given much depth at all. All we can conclude is that Turner wants to retire on the Island where everyone awaits for Turner to kick theirs but. Besides giving freedom to those who are enslaved, the boss fight is much different than fighting smaller species. It is just an extra thing for you to enjoy in the universe of Overgrowth.


    The Combat

    Combat in this game is incredibly simple, requiring the simplest buttons of each game: Attack and Defend & Parry. Once when you get to the ground, stop leaping, you can perform parries something nabbing enemies spears, swords or daggers in the process. Holding down the Left Mouse Button leads you to constantly auto-attack while holding down the Right Mouse Button automatically blocks and dodges if timed well. Press SHIFT & you'll dodge those attacks that could one-shot you.  Press Q and you'll fire spears into the backs of enemies. Not enough to have fun? Then try sneaking into camp to slash pooches before they can even whisper. Even though it is simple, it is a beautiful system that is fun even when it goes exactly as you have planned, or even when everything descends into farce. 



    Simple Combat & Sneaking is not everything. If you have played Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, then you surely remember that glorious wall running. Yup, it is happening in Overgrowth too. Turner's prodigious jump and wall-running abilities are used to scale linear obstacle courses. To be simpler, they are used when they have to be used, but it is not a must-use-only-them kind. Running over the mountains or 20-feet walls are there to blow your mind.

    Besides wall-running & jumps, fights are not always the same. Usually, you'll fight weak dogs and wolves, but to make you more interesting Overgrowth offers you random boss fights whose attacks cannot be blocked/dodged at all and those must be twice reconsidered before done. You have to think about your every next step, you'll need to use your mind or everything you have done so far, all of the  progress must be started over. 


    Graphics Details & The Soundtrack

    I don't know if there is any need to talk about the graphics details since pictures I've uploaded in this article are actually all screenshots from the Overgrowth's community, not photoshopped pieces of art. Anyways, I will be simple. This game offers you glorious graphics, everything including characters, camps,  Oblivion like-chat-textures and nature are realistic & enjoyable. Swords, Spears and Daggers are also well made, iron brights on the sun just like the grass is sharp, but when night falls weapons are even brighter. 

    The Soundtrack of this game is great. Each soundtrack follows the character, follows the situation you are in. If you are battling, there is music that will make you feel like you are there. Same happens with wall-running. The soundtrack is great, it fits great, it's modern but sometimes it reminds those medieval ones. You will enjoy it. 

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    Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord is a single-player Sandbox Campaign that offers Extensive Character Creation and Progression Systems,
    Realistic Economy and Combat that requires high skill is there to make this game blow your mind. 


    Bannerlord in its system basics actually is a quite complexing game throughout the beginning, but a little bit detailed tutorial throughout tips and quests is there for you to grant you the interesting start yet learn the basics of the M&B II: Bannerlord in itself. 
    The main goal in this game, for your fun, is being a peasant and merchant. Yet, if you are willing to command your armies and swing your sword - your cure is multiplayer. It is a game I have personally waited for years. The reason is simple, it comes with a multiplayer mode which Warband did not have.  Bannerlord is an RPG, a true life simulator, it's a tactics brain-strategy game. You are playing over your character in a world of much more important people, you're the peasant no matter how strong you are. In the beginning, you are granted a sword and huge army to command at first, but you can easily have fun in the other way too - you can become a trader living the more lucrative life. Also, you can become the blacksmith and use your earnings to start your own shop in every major city and you will need to watch over the extraordinary huge market which is there for you not to sell your products. 
    In each case, you will have a way of living "your" medieval period throughout your brain mental view of the medieval age.


    Complexity & Famous-To-Everyone Story

    The game offers you a challenge throughout the toughness of not having a lot of life and death decisions to make when you're watching on how your friend already sold his product in Onira while you can't sell it in Myzea because prices are higher in that city. Figuring out how many foods you can't sell since your soldier will need to consume it afterwards and how many soldiers will die in the next combat which you will do - the game indeed will lead you throughout its complexity. 

    The liveliness of this game actually is apparent when you understand the fact: you can be a great leader with all your armies, you can be a peasant and you can be a merchant - but it's actually not up to you. Whether you interfere with your choice of these 3(the game will lead you to choose these choices) - - Calradia's kingdoms will keep on fighting, caravans will take advantage of shorter roads, and life will just carry on, regardless. Reacting to that instead of determining the course of the world's future - which you can easily do - is actually quite liberating.  


    Character Creation

    Mount & Blade begins right at character creation. Like in Warband, you will build your character by answering mental questions, but the difference in this game is - you will see the results of your choices immediately and how much these answers can impact your character as you select them.  I'll leak you a bit of the point of the question. Your parents were a lord's companion which means you grew up battling and learning to battle two-handed(with 2 swords), but meanwhile, you got some skill. It's all about fitting the right story by answering their questions and watching the huge list of skills each answer grants. Simple as that.


    The Combat & Graphics Details

    The combat in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord is nothing else but satisfying. Every single hit actually feels meatier as you ride by and cleave someone in twain with a polearm from horseback. Duels are indeed much tenser as weapon handling has been refined, and troop controls have the ability to select different formations. The fact that improves the combat even more in M&B II is simply the gloriously looking, realistic made, battlegrounds and nature.

    Graphics Details are just, by the single word, glorious. They are nothing we have expected, not even from the trailers of the game itself. Mountains and Grass are beautiful and sharp, horses and people are quick but realistic, castles are medieval but medieval we want. Everything of Graphics in this game is just breathtaking, and if nothing - graphics will make you play it 2 hours longer than you wanted to. The game in itself is quite addictive, by the way.


    And let's make it clear. Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord is completely advanced Warband with few implementations to make the game more modern and advance the sequel of each other game. The important thing to mention is that Bannerlord will be updated but new sequel will not come, which is someone every fan looks forward to. Also, everything we have said in this review still stands, but don't forget that Warband had some quite glorious castle sieging system. 

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    Tema comentado Neverinth - PC Review.
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    "Explore the ever-changing halls of the Neverinth and uncover the history of the Valkyrie. Do glorious battle against the beasts and monsters of Norse legend and uncover the hidden pasts of each heroic woman." - Original Steam Description

    As you have most likely already seen in past reviews of this game, if you checked them that is, this game is an Anime Roguelike Souls. Neverinth is a game I discovered just a few days ago scrolling through Steam promotions and as I am always interested in non-finished games, Early Access that is, it's one of the things that attracted me to it. Whether you are a fan or not of these games I suggest it to you all. Anyways, I have to admit that even though it is not finished yet it gave me an extraordinarily hard time completing and hard time always sounds interesting and fun - that's what this game does it's best at. 


    I am not one of those game reviewers who looks at differences between a game he once liked similar to the current one he's playing, so before we start reviewing the Gameplay that was an important fact required to mention. The game starts with your character walking towards you from it's darkened chamber, you'll see how much realistic it looks and how realistically you'll be able to control your character. I give myself the rights to call this game the endless dungeon just like other reviewers call it "a labyrinth that never ends". Don't worry about "game over" by death in this game, each time you die levels will change in layout and enemy placement. Each level is quite unique, some stuff actually does repeat but the game keeps each run fresh quite well. It always makes you interested in what you are going to see on your next run and that infects you not to stop playing the game, surely you will lose hours and hours of time playing it but it will give you back an enormous amount of fun. As you will storage items you win each run you will surely have to find its best use when you get into a situation with limited options, you will bring the max potential out of items. Currently the games 2 different environments you'll scroll through: dungeon and a library. You can use one of two different characters with some unique animations and skills fighting with seven different enemy types and only two bosses. You can also change your characters outfit, you'll unlock them as you progress through the game. 


    It's a game with decent graphics which quite surprised me, I didn't expect it to be made so well.
    Soundtrack and music are doing well, they follow the game and interests you with its flow.
    Have in mind that this game is still not completely published, it is still in Early Access
    This game is still on 20% promotion, hurry up and enjoy the game to its fullest with no regrets!

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    Tema comentado Transport Fever - PC Review.
    hace 5 años

    "Transport Fever is a railroad-focused tycoon game. Players start in 1850 and build up a thriving transport company. As an emerging transport tycoon, the player constructs stations, airports, harbors and makes money by connecting areas requiring transport services. Build up your own Empire!" - Official Steam Description

    Well, before we say anything it's important to mention that this game, Transport Fever, is a game that has already won hearts of players worldwide - which is obvious since it has "Very Positive" review result on Steam, and is considered to be the N1 Tycoon Game of the Year, 2016 - as it was released then. I personally consider Transport Fever to be way better than its predecessor Train Fever due to a bunch of new features, better cargo systems and good new transports, and it takes more time to complete.

    Just like with any other genre, this game can't be played with much fun by those who don't like tycoon games - and the opposite of that. I like the fact it's a cross-platform, so you won't have problems playing it or Linux. It requires a decent PC, unlike the others in this genre.

    You'll start the game after 1850 and build up your own transport company. You'll also build infrastructure such as stations, harbours, airports, tracks & streets due to the fact of you controlling trains, buses, ships and airplanes - not only one, all of them. 
    Your passengers can vary too, they're all simulated separately which gives the point to the game. One kind of them would like to travel as fast as possible, others may want your heavy ships to enjoy the travel as much as possible, which will give you even more challenge & fun.  It's a game that requires your brain, you won't be able to complete everything from the first attempt, you'll find yourself playing with anger as you'll be frustrated a lot if you're not a patient man. Your main objective in this game is making money(not surprising, huh?). Also, I enjoy the fact peoples are not the only passengers, you can also transport goods from time to time. Build passenger routes, build bus stops, build aerodromes, transport kids to school - business peoples to their meetings, make money - have fun & enjoy this game as it definitely has plenty of fun and challenges awaiting for you. 

    There is also a very nice campaign mode, where you can play some episodes of American and European transport history. Moreover, there is a great modding community for this game and already more than 200 mods are available on the steam workshop and the community web page (mostly vehicles).


    Transport Fever is a game with surprising performance and graphics details, as we've already seen how poor they were in its predecessor Train Fever, this one will surely blow your mind. It has amazing music and sounds, the interface is awesome. Vehicles are extremely detailed, insanely realistic, and there are more than 120 of them to use. 


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