Juega a juegos
Elige el juego que te interesa y juégalogratis.
Completa las misiones
Cada juego tiene algunas misiones por las cuales recibesGemas del Alma.
Recibe premios
Puedes cambiar tus Gemas del ALma por recargas de Steam Wallet, claves de juegos, skins de CS:GO y otros premios.
My proposal is to give away a promotional chest for all new players that can be opened when reaching 1000 gems collected in game tasks. This chest would have a limit of 30 days to unlock it and within it there would be rewards such as: gems, a 5usd card, games, runes and more. This way they would be able to incentivize new users to perform tasks within gamehag and avoid so many new accounts that are mostly inactive.