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    Über Twisty Road

    In this simple game you gain control of the white ball, and you’ll try to avoid any obstacle on the winding and curvy roads. Task is simple you have to pass as many checkpoints as possible, but it won’t come so easy. Sometimes you’ll have to take risks to pass oncoming objects, but after playing several levels you’ll surely get used to it. Remember that sometimes haste on the contrary prevents you from going through tough maneuvers and try to pay more attention to accuracy. With each new level you can actually feel the tension of the new opportunities to prove yourself. There’s no music in this game, and the graphics are quite simple, but it’ll just help to stay focused. So don’t wait and try to find a finish line on Twisty Road.

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    Hallo ich bin TheGamersTv und ich bin Level 1.

    19 Juli 2020 18:47

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    Hallo ich bin TheGamersTv und ich bin Level 1.

    19 Juli 2020 18:47