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    Rise of Kingdoms: Lost Crusade

    (4.24/5) 2058 Wertungen

    Über Rise of Kingdoms: Lost Crusade

    Tip: Join an alliance to help leveling up. Participate in events or buy special packages to have the resources you need.

    Rise of Kingdoms: Lost Crusade is a free strategy game available to mobile phone users in which you'll be the head of the people and create your own civilization.

    The game world is inhabited by 8 unique civilizations, and each of them has its own architecture, advantages and units. Direct your people wisely and let your kingdom conquer the whole world. To do this, you must create your own tactics, intelligently manage your units, and make the most of your strategic thinking. Real-time battles give great satisfaction, and in addition they look very attractive. Explore the world around you and take care of the constant development of your civilization. Prove to other players that you are the best strategist in the game!

    Don't wait any longer and play Rise of Kingdoms: Lost Crusade today!

    89036 Nutzer spielen gerade Rise of Kingdoms: Lost Crusade

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    Meinungen zu Rise of Kingdoms: Lost Crusade

    Habs am anfang erst für die punkte gemacht aber mitlerweiloe gefällt es mir

    14 Juni 2020 18:52

    This is just f****** s*****, i payed for this game and they dont want accept my ******** *** IS THIS ?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?! GOT MY EXP BUT NO POINTS, VERY GOOD, NICE TRUST FACTOR, DONT FORGET ABOUT THE TIME I WASTED FOR THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    24 Juli 2020 23:57

    Misty will vermutlich nur ihr geld verdienen ;(.

    3 Juli 2020 13:10

    i need gemmms.................................................. :D

    10 August 2020 19:19

    Muss man einen neuen Account machen? Oder kann man einen alten einfach starten?

    12 Oktober 2020 17:57

    Belohnungen für Rise of Kingdoms: Lost Crusade

    Zur Zeit haben wir keine Belohnungen für Rise of Kingdoms: Lost Crusade. Schau dir die andere Belohnungen an!

    News über Rise of Kingdoms: Lost Crusade

    Dieses Spiel hat noch keine Beiträge.

    Wusstest du, dass du für das verfassen von Beiträgen Seelenjuwelen erhalten kannst? Und zwar diese Anzahl: 250Soulstone?

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    Forum Rise of Kingdoms: Lost Crusade

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    Habs am anfang erst für die punkte gemacht aber mitlerweiloe gefällt es mir

    14 Juni 2020 18:52

    This is just f****** s*****, i payed for this game and they dont want accept my ******** *** IS THIS ?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?! GOT MY EXP BUT NO POINTS, VERY GOOD, NICE TRUST FACTOR, DONT FORGET ABOUT THE TIME I WASTED FOR THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    24 Juli 2020 23:57

    Misty will vermutlich nur ihr geld verdienen ;(.

    3 Juli 2020 13:10

    i need gemmms.................................................. :D

    10 August 2020 19:19

    Muss man einen neuen Account machen? Oder kann man einen alten einfach starten?

    12 Oktober 2020 17:57