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    Über PointBlank

    If you do not want to spend money on CS: GO or just decided that it is time to try something new, but in the same spirit - PointBlank is exactly for You! This free game by Innova studio will first of all recall the well-known Valve product, since it also has two teams (insurgents and fighters against terrorism), similar game modes (for example: deathmatch, bomb detonation) and a familiar style. But simularities only on the surface: in PointBlank we have access to over 500 unique types of weapons with our own design and capabilities, 70 maps and 10 game modes, where for example you will have to survive against dinosaurs! In addition, our character is developing - he has his own characteristics, which we can improve over the time. You also should not forget about the possibility of creating clans or joining someone else’s and the rating system connected to it. The graphics may seem outdated, but the gameplay completely compensates it, and rather climatic music only complements the pleasant impression. Join the fight at PointBlank today!

    14946 Nutzer spielen gerade PointBlank

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    Meinungen zu PointBlank

    Was ist das für ein Spiel ich kenne das nicht und habe es auch noch nie gehört

    14 Mai 2020 21:53

    Waht a frage puiz how is it? ***!!!...??

    16 Januar 2021 14:57

    Belohnungen für PointBlank

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    News über PointBlank

    Dieses Spiel hat noch keine Beiträge.

    Wusstest du, dass du für das verfassen von Beiträgen Seelenjuwelen erhalten kannst? Und zwar diese Anzahl: 250Soulstone?

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    Was ist das für ein Spiel ich kenne das nicht und habe es auch noch nie gehört

    14 Mai 2020 21:53

    Waht a frage puiz how is it? ***!!!...??

    16 Januar 2021 14:57