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    Über Orcs Must Die! Unchained

    Orcs Must Die! Unchained, is a game with lots of killing, where the omnipresent traps and enemy minions won’t give you a time to rest. This mix of Tower Defense and MOBA with some card games mechanics is a game which we can play without fear we lose our time.

    The game provides us battlefields with various difficulty levels. The goal is to defend ourselves, attack and led our opponent by the nose. When playing in team, we have to capture the enemy’s fortress without letting him to capture ours. By building up traps and minions, you’ll get closer to win. Additionally, during the game we can collect resources needed to craft better minions and items. The most important thing is to continually develop our character, so we’ll have the possibility to survive.

    The rules and the game world, at first glance, may seem a bit complicated, however a great tutorial shall help us to learn them really quickly. So, there is no time to waste, it would be better if you launched the game just now!

    1199 Nutzer spielen gerade Orcs Must Die! Unchained

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