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    Über Legends of Honor

    Legends of Honor - just another game from Goodgame, which is an excellent browser strategy. Dynamic action, advanced mechanics and the need for quick decisions make this game something from which you definitely will not be bored.

    This classic strategy with smart combat solutions was created so that the player was maximally is involved in the gameplay. It is very important to develop the economy of your kingdom, as this is the only way to achieve the military force necessary to fight our

    In the beginning, the self-instruction manual and quests will help us to adopt the right strategy. They were created in such a way that the player could learn the rules of the game and the mechanics. There is much to learn!

    The game consists of diplomacy and struggle. The second aspect, however, is not only the strength of our units. Tactics are much more important.

    All this makes of Legends of Honor a game that will not only attract You, but even force you to invite your friends!

    2438 Nutzer spielen gerade Legends of Honor

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