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    Über Kings Road

    A free hack-n-slack game is nothing but a browser version of Diablo. In Kings Road you incorporate the role of a hero who has to repel an enemy horde that attacks your beloved kingdom. After the disappearance of the beautiful princess Emmy, who was probably kidnapped by the dark forces, the situation in your homeland is getting worse. Chaos rules everywhere, so the organization named Shroud tries to take advantage of it. The villages are being terrorized by monsters and bandits, so our courageous knight, who is a loyal member of the Royal Guard, is intended to find the princess Emmy and restore order in the kingdom. The game is concentrated on mass killing of the opponents and collecting the loots, trying to improve the skills of the main hero and expanding the equipment. The game is a very pleasurable entertainment with its nice graphics and can easily compete with the other browser games of this type. Join this incredible, mysterious world right now!

    1640 Nutzer spielen gerade Kings Road

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