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    Über Gladiators

    "Gladiators" offer you to become the most famous owner of the best warriors in ancient Rome! First, of course, it will be necessary to earn a reputation by starting with opening a school, buying slaves and inviting a trainer who will improve the combat capabilities of your gladiators. You will spend most of your time in the Arena, where you will compete with other players in fights or tournaments in the name of fame and, ofcourse, money. Remember that enemies are also well prepared, so the choice of the gladiator is important, since each of the seven species is different from each other. The time between battles is no less important, your warriors are tired and need to be taken care of. How to do it? First of all, you should build terms where the masseur will relax and heal their wounds. You can pay it with winnings or ... a trading shop built earlier that brings daily income. So in this game you need to remember not only about your warriors, but also about development. Join the Gladiator today and become the best Vera Ludus!

    5953 Nutzer spielen gerade Gladiators

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