It's very likely you've already seen a commercial about this game before, but what is it really all about? "RAID: Shadow Legends" is a freemium (users have the option to pay to get benefits, but otherwise it's free) fantasy, role-playing game with hundreds of different champions to collect! In this article, I will give my humble opinion about the game, describe some aspects of it, and tell you why you should check it out.
Starting off First of all, it's quite simple to learn how to play the game as the controls are very intuitive. Most actions are done with the mouse and the tutorial is nice and short. The auto-battle feature is also nice, especially when redoing levels for XP or to level up champions.
After the tutorial, you get the option to choose one of the four champions who all (spoiler alert) die in the intro sequence. I've read that Elhain is good for the long-term, and I didn't have any problems after picking her, so I recommend choosing her. Furthermore, the weakness and strength chart is quite simple as well (shown below). So, simply put, there are four types of champions if you will: Magic (blue), Spirit (green), Force (red), and Void (purple). Elhain's type is Spirit.
A champion's type can be seen by the icons on the bottom lefts of the champion's icon. So, as can be seen from the chart below, Magic champions have an advantage over Spirit champions, Spirit champions have and advantage over Force champions, Force champions have an advantage over Spirit champions and vice versa (as in Magic Champions' attacks are weak on Force Champions etc). Void champions on the other hand do not have an advantage or disadvantage over any type of champion. It's like Pokémon all over again, but not really.
Champion rarities: "Raid: Shadow Legends" also features a variety of different champion rarities. Initially, this makes it much easier to decide who to deploy in the first few battles so that they can level up early on. The different rarities are Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, and Legendary. Each rarity is denoted by a certain number of stars (starting from 1-star common champions up to 5-star legendary champions). All of the four starter champions are a rare (3-star). To get new champions, you must use the "Portal" to summon them with Shards and the in-game currency - Silver; the former usually being much harder to get. This is an interesting element of the game because it makes it exciting when getting new champions. This brings me to my next topic: Shards.
Shards: There are four types of Shards in the game: Mystery Shards, Ancient Shards, Void Shards, and Sacred Shards (in order of worst to least). Mystery shards can be used to summon a champion which has a 74.2% chance of being Common, 24.4% chance of being Uncommon, and a 1.4% chance of being Rare by paying 500 Silver (not a lot). The next two best shards (Ancient and Void) both give you a 91.5% chance at a Rare, 8% chance at an Epic, and a mere 0.5% chance at a Legendary and cost 20 000 Silver to use. It should be noted that the Void shards guarantee a Void champion (which is, as mentioned before, a champion without a type advantage or weakness against others). Finally, the Sacred Shards give you 94% chance at an Epic and a 6% chance at a Legendary and cost a grand 100 000 silver to use.
Some tips:
As I've mentioned before it might be a wise choice to choose Elhain as your first champion.
When choosing your heroes, look at what the enemy's types are (remember that red beats blue, blue beats green, and green beats red)
Don't stock up on shards in the beginning of the game; instead, use the shards to see if you get anything worth leveling up
Don't worry about getting 3 stars in the campaign levels on the first try; you can go back to them to level up you champions when you're stuck on another level
Some champions have aura skills which give certain boosts to the entire team when they are the leader, so make sure they are in the leader position!
Equip the artifacts you get from battles, quests etc. to your champions; it makes them much more powerful
Finally, if you have any friends that might be interested in playing the game, you can use their referral program to get some pretty good rewards. Or even better, you can refer them to Gamehag and they can get rewarded for playing as well.
Conclusion: This game is quite fun in my opinion and the graphics are good as well. The game makes you want to play it more (in a good way) and it isn't too hard to level up initially either (they give XP boosts). So, if you are looking for an RPG, you should definitely give this one a shot!
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