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    Zuletzt gespielt

    World of Tanks

    World of Tanks is an online MMO game which allows players to take part in huge tank battles. A very important aspect of the game is the ability of cooperation since the victory depends not only on you but also on an entire party of allied tanks!It isn’t only a typical shooter, but in addition to that, a strategic game while the ...

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    War Thunder

    Du bist im zweiten Weltkrieg und musst in War Thunder für dein Land kämpfen - schliesse dich der Armee an und wähle aus verschiedenen Typen . Was wirst du tun? Hast du das Zeug ein Kriegsheld zu werden?...

    Shakes and Fidget

    Shakes and Fidget is a RPG browser game set in a fantasy world. At the very beginning, we make our character by choosing between nine races: the Humans, the Elves, the Dwarfs, the Gnomes, the Orcs, the Dark Elves, the Goblins and the Demons and then, between three classes: the Warrior, the Mage and the Hunter. Our main quest is ...

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