In this article we´re going to review Crossout and also take a brief look at its concept. If you have never played the game before this is an opportunity for you to decide whether you should jump into the game or not. If you already tried it and didn´t like it hopefully at end you will be considering giving it another shot.
Looking at Crossout
Crossout, an online free-to-play shooter in a post-apocalyptic scenario for the Ps4, Xbox and Windows platforms. Following the Mad Max-style, Crossout it´s a third-person view car shooter that offers the unique aspect of building your own car literally from scratch which at first may sound like something difficult to do in theory, but nothing really that hard to overcome in practice. The game offers 8 vs 8/PvP matches that offer scraps to the players, useful for crafting. It also offers PVE Raids and open-world side missions provided by different factions that act in a complementary way to the main storyline. As you progress later on in the game, unlock and craft pieces for your car as rewards from the factions, you will be able to create different types of vehicles and may even join a guild for more rewards. If you are a casual player it´s a good title to introduce you to the genre and it´s mechanics as the game more than testing your aim, challenges you and your creativity to build your own ride and to actually be able to ride it. If you are a usual player then you will probably enjoy exploring the enemy weaknesses and challenge yourself to build the ultimate war machine.
Critical Analyses:
The game released in the late of march of 2017 and still presents the players with funny and unique content. Although with a market based in a real money currency, every piece can be crafted from scraps, (and some other lootable materials) and even if any rare or legendary part requires that currency in order to be crafted, there is always the possibility of selling basic craftable parts for that same currency, so in the end it all comes to those basic scraps.
However it´s not all roses, it sins in its very core mechanic the driving, it's not the worse that I have ever seen but clearly lacks some polishments, the main storyline it´s fair by itself with interesting cutscenes that even without voice acting fit the purpose of storytelling. It has a well-themed level design and the graphics are reasonably good and friendly enough for medium/old pc users. Crossout leans towards personality building as every car displays character, how would you defend your cabin? Where would you place your guns? Would you venture going big in order to have space for special parts with the risk of becoming an easy target on the distance? Or would you prefer going small and solid? When you finally finish your car and adjust your weapons angle it´s a matter of time until you uncover your car flaws but worry not, keep leveling up and eventually you will unlock new pieces and increase the number of them that you can use. Requires 6gb of space and a 2013 computer set in order to run, Overall it´s a fair well thought game, one to keep an out for a try or to keep installed among your games list, oh and like any co-op, its most to enjoyable with friends!
Pros and Cons
Decent lore, character development, cutscenes, and graphics
Good diversity of game modes
Interesting building mechanics that feels like playing with lego
Interesting vehicle possibilities
Basic plot that fits with no character voice
Interesting open-world mode although with poor side-quests.
Poor driving that act as a core mechanic
A level design that is not new to the industry and with some flaws where sometimes cars get irreversibly stuck
If you still have not decided or simply skipped all the text to read the pros and cons I must advise you to try it, simply because there are no other similar game and it´s free.
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