Meep city is a game with more than 5.2 Billion players! And 1 million likes! Its one of the best games in Roblox tied with Jailbreak!
MeepCity is a social hangout/role-play game created by alexnewtron. It is styled after casual children's MMOs and shows off features inspired by Disney's Toontown Online and Club Penguin, as well as many references to them. Alexnewtron has played these games a lot in his youth, and it is likely that they hold a special place in his heart which then became an inspiration for MeepCity.
This Game's Accomplishments:
It was the only front page game to support up to 80-player servers as of May 8th, 2018, and also has broken the record for the "Fastest Popularity Rate" (previous record held by Phantom Forces).
It has accumulated 200 million visits in less than a year (the first game on ROBLOX to do so in such a small timeframe), which was celebrated by alexnewtron .
On January 30, 2018, MeepCity made history on the site as the first ever place to surpass 1 billion place visits.
On August 5, 2018, MeepCity also became the first place to surpass 2 billion visits.
The game is still growing as the interest rate used to range from 500 users daily to growing numbers of users. It is currently the most visited Roblox game of all time.
On the second full week of June, 2019; Meep City made history as the first game on Roblox to hit 100k concurrent players online, playing the game.
There is a fun mode called Star ball! There are alot of levels and for each one you will beat you will get a trophy!
Meep City Game Makers:
According to the description, here are the developers:
alexnewtron - Director and Programmer
TrainedDoorman - Creative Director
Celestaphone - Music Composer
HolidayPwner - Builder
KrixNoz (KrixYaz) - Furniture Builder
ejobwastaken (ejob) - Animator
The main purpose of the game is being a social or roleplay hangout. This means buying items or playing games is completely optional.
Meep Coins
There is a currency called coins. Coins are used to customize your house (such as colors, structure, and furniture), buy and customize your pet Meep, or buying fishing rods. It is very similar to Club Penguin.
Ways to obtain coins:
Sell fish, which is obtained by fishing and get meep coins from playing the game.
Play games, such as the minigame in the Pizza Shack (currently closed), Star Ball or MeepCity Racing.
Sell your flowers.
Stay in the game for a period of time, and make a home with furniture and adventure the game.
Buy coins by clicking "Buy coins". The coins are converted from robux.
Fishing Fishing is a way to get coins. There are fishing areas on The Playground or The Neighborhood. Fishing areas have a source of water and multiple piers.
To fish, you must walk onto an unoccupied fishing pier. After going onto the pier, you are equipped with a fishing rod. There are "dark spots" on the lake, meaning there is fish in that area. You must cast your line onto the dark spot, or have the dark spot come to your cast line, to obtain a fish. To do that, you must aim at the dark spot and charge up power. The more power you have, the farther your line will be thrown.
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