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    用户和 Anfoxygamer 现在是好友了
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    用户和 milk421 现在是好友了
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    用户和 winston_wolf 现在是好友了
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    获得一个奖励 - Runa Ansus.
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    用户和 UNreal70 现在是好友了
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    完成了一项来自以下游戏的任务: Crossout.
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    完成了一项来自以下游戏的任务: Karos Online.
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    完成了一项来自以下游戏的任务: Warface.
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    获得一个奖励 - Hitman Absolution.
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    完成了一项来自以下游戏的任务: Hero Rage.
    7 years ago
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    已评论 Hero Rage.
    7 years ago

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    Are you an angel? Or maybe a devil? Discover that in AION! Pick from one of the conflicted sides: Asmodian and Elyos, perpetually fighting with each other, or the cruelly evil Balaurs! Make progress as your character by eight different ways, at your own discretion and enjoy the beautiful, open world of Aion. Stunning graphics, w...

    Lineage 2

    Take a bottle of water and a snack before sitting in front of your keyboards and mouses, because there you have something you won’t be able to break away from! Lineage 2 is a free-to-play MMORPG game set in a world overwhelmed by war and treason.Just at the beginning, the game gives us many possibilities; during the character cr...


    Warframe is in fact the name of the super-advanced armor our character is wearing; which has been unexpectedly woke from the hibernation by a mysterious individual known as the Lotus. The character will have one, simple objective – fight dozens of enemies to reunite the space colonies overwhelmed by wars between three major fact...

    Black Desert

    Face one of the most beautiful MMORPGs of all time. Black Desert Online is a game developed by a Korean studio - Pearl Abyss, provided to us, to the west, by Kakao Games. Explore the stunning world of Black Desert, which is characterized by an incredibly diverse flora and fauna, breathtaking landscapes and countless places to di...

    Blade & Soul

    Blade & Soul did not have an easy start to the West - being released in 2016, it has been heavily overshadowed by another Korean game - Black Desert Online. But now it's quite sure that the game goes far beyond the latter. Blade & Soul is an MMO action game, which may interest even the most demanding players! At the very...


    《创世战车》是一款基于世界末日的MMO动作游戏。它是由著名《战争雷霆》的创作者开发的,它以不同的方式为我们带来了全新的游戏玩法。如果你认为《创世战车》是战争游戏或战争雷霆的另一个版本,那么它将带给你惊喜 - Gaijin确保了通过更改其先前作品中的一些重要方面来给我们不同的感受。最重要的一点是,我们可以修改车辆!玩家可以从数千种不同的零件当中进行选择来从头改造自己的四轮(甚至更多)车辆。忘了那些默认选项吧,这个游戏对汽车和乐高爱好者而言才是真正的享受!你的“汽车”的外观完全取决于你。你想要它有链锯吗?去吧!机关枪?没问题!这种自由使战场上的每辆战车都看起来不一样,也让玩家能完全释放出自己的创造力。当我们谈论到Gaijin的游戏时,我们不能忘记它有先进的...

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