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    3 years ago


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    用户和 Kreishem 现在是好友了
    4 years ago
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    4 years ago
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    评论的话题 Is league of legends dying.
    4 years ago

    The game has a rediculous amount of advertising, so it's doing well enough

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    评论的话题 Best champion ?.
    4 years ago

    Garen is one of the best. And yes, there are best champions and worst champions because the game is very poorly balanced

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    评论的话题 Favorite Hero .
    4 years ago

    Offlane Undying rushing Aghanim's Sceptre is very fun. Undying is a very strong early-game hero, which allows you to make the lane very difficult for the enemy and get a lot of kills or, very least, secure farm. Getting an early Aghanim's lets you steal 10 strength with every cast of decay, a very scary effect that scales well into the late-game, but is obviously scarier the earlier you get it. It's not hard to get 100+ stolen strength in a teamfight.

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    评论的话题 Favorite Hero .
    4 years ago

    Share your favorite hero and what makes them so fun here. A good place to also share strategies, both serious and silly, for the heroes you love to play

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    4 years ago

    We read the comment and we gave appropriate responses. If you like the game then play it. If not, then don't. While there are some big changes, League is still fundamentally the same game it has always been.

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    评论的话题 Dota Update 7.25b.
    4 years ago

    A new, smaller patch was released recently http://www.dota2.com/patches/7.25b

    SheepSheepington badge
    SheepSheepington avatar
    4 years ago

    If you like the game, certainly. If not, other games in the same genre are Smite, Dota 2, and Heroes of the Storm.
    If owning all the champions is what you're worried about, Heroes of the Storm has all of it's heroes free until April 2nd. Dota gives you all the characters for free always.

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    用户和 EL_GEMAS 现在是好友了
    4 years ago
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    完成了一项来自以下游戏的任务: Rise of Civilizations.
    4 years ago
    SheepSheepington badge
    SheepSheepington avatar
    评论的话题 Dota Update 7.25.
    4 years ago

    Discuss the dota patch 7.25 and the following patch 7.25a here http://www.dota2.com/patches/7.25 http://www.dota2.com/patches/7.25a

    SheepSheepington badge
    SheepSheepington avatar
    4 years ago

    I'm going to have to say Dota 2, if we are just looking at objective qualities. Avoiding subjective things like difficulty and the way the game plays, Dota is much more kind to free players, who can play every character in the game without paying money. It's also easier to learn enemies abilities since you can actually view other people's abilities in-game.

    SheepSheepington badge
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    已评论 League of Legends.
    4 years ago

    Dota 2 is better, both in terms of core gameplay, learnability for new players, and business practices by Valve compared to the predatory business model Riot uses.

    SheepSheepington badge
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    4 years ago




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