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    8 years ago


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    PanShurimy badge
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    评论的话题 Rework Yoricka.
    8 years ago

    Patrząc na jego statystyki i przeliczniki bedzie zle.

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    评论的话题 Arcade.
    8 years ago

    No to zależy od ciebie kim grasz częściej, kim przyjemniej ci sie gra

    PanShurimy badge
    PanShurimy avatar
    评论的话题 Wybór ADC.
    8 years ago

    Ja tam polece ci kog"mawa. W early trzeba przyfarmić na 2 itemki pod AS. grając kogmawem kup jako drugi item Runana o da ci obszaroowy dmg, a to na kogu jest najwaniejsze.

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    PanShurimy avatar
    8 years ago

    Battlefield 1 jak każdy Battlefield wchodzisz do gry i ktos zdejmuje cie ze snajperki albo zestrzeliwuje z pistoletu albo robi kamikaze samolotem

    PanShurimy badge
    PanShurimy avatar
    8 years ago

    Hm warto spróbpwac

    PanShurimy badge
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    完成了一项来自以下游戏的任务: World of Tanks.
    8 years ago
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    8 years ago
    PanShurimy badge
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    8 years ago

    Grasz, coś zabija cie na 2 strzały masz wynik 1/2 i inny sojusznik ze statami 0/5 cie wyzywa. Jak ja kocham społecznośc ligi. A w lidze lubie po prostu grać teemo.

    PanShurimy badge
    PanShurimy avatar
    评论的话题 A ty ile juz wydałeś?.
    8 years ago

    Za mocno się wciągłem gram od początku sezonu 6 i wydałem 1500zł

    PanShurimy badge
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    评论的话题 Penty.
    8 years ago

    Ja zrobiłem 4 penty : Yasuo, Masterem Yi na topie, Corkim i Kog'Mawem

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    8 years ago
    PanShurimy badge
    PanShurimy avatar
    8 years ago

    Czy warto teraz kupić Aureliona. Jeśli tak to na jakiej linii?

    PanShurimy badge
    PanShurimy avatar
    评论的话题 jakie macie najlepsze skiny?.
    8 years ago

    Spirit Guard Udyr, Hextech Annie, Draven Draven

    PanShurimy badge
    PanShurimy avatar
    8 years ago

    Ja to widze tak po reworku assasynów do połowy sezonu 7 będe grał samymi tankami, bo dla mnie to będzie masakra

    PanShurimy badge
    PanShurimy avatar
    评论的话题 Jakiego skina polecacie???.
    8 years ago

    Arcade Ahri, a jeśli lubisz teemo to kup króliczka teemo lub Omega squad teemo




    《坦克世界》是一款让玩家参加巨大的战车大战的在线MMO游戏。游戏里最重要的是合作能力,因为胜利不仅取决于你,而是取决于整个盟军坦克! 它不仅是典型的射击游戏,还包括战略,所以玩家必须证明自己的战术能力。壮观的视觉效果和优美的图像立即将玩家带入战争世界,在这里,对坦克机械的熟悉是胜利的关键。在每次战斗中,我们都可以升级自己的战车,而且游戏开发人员也确保了我们的装备不会受限。对于这类游戏的游戏迷来说,这是个非常有趣的选项。玩家可以征服地图上的省以及新的地区。玩家也必须快速做出能正面影响整个阵型的战术决定!这款游戏一定会吸引战争游戏或战略游戏的粉丝。...


    OGame is a browser strategy game set up in the space. It should appeal not only to the players interested by the universe, but also to the wide community of strategic games fans. The first quest the player has is choosing his server – the universe. And then the game begins!  We can choose between a variety of planets, moons and ...


    《英雄联盟》是一款无需再做更多介绍的游戏。到目前为止,这位MMO巨头是最受欢迎的游戏之一,如果不是,就是最受欢迎的在线游戏。游戏是基于多人在线战斗竞技场(MOBA)模型,是实时策略型游戏的子类。此外,该词本身是由Riot Games公司创造的,特别是LOL。《英雄联盟》有几种不同的游戏模式,而在这些模式中,我们以具有独特能力的冠军身份进行比赛。我们可以从众多的角色里挑选一个。他们每一个角色都有自己的故事扩展的传记。也许《英雄联盟》本身的反对者与支持者一样多,但我们必须承认一点 - 它在各个方面都极易让我们上瘾。...

    Tibia UnitedOTS

    The most extended private server of Tibia. There is no single person who wouldn't hear about this game. Rediscover it today! There is a plenty of great entertainment and excellent society. Every day, there are more than 300 active players. The administrators of the server take good care of this game, so there is no space for bor...


    PokeWars is a free-to-play browser game, where we’re playing as a Pokemon trainer. At the beggining, we have to choose our trainer’s appearance and the Pokemon we start with. Our main task is exploring the world in search of new Pokemon species and training them. You can teach them new attacks, prepare some clever ta...

    Dark Orbit Reloaded

    It’s time to conquer the universe! Dark Orbit is a browser strategy game set in a space universe of science-fiction.We can choose among three fractions, involved in intergalactic conflict. They differ in their structure, the tasks and the construction of units. During the fights and by collecting resources, we rise level b...

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