你可以将灵魂宝石兑换成Steam Wallet的充值、游戏密钥、CS:GO皮肤以及其他的奖励。
In general i'll answer these questions:
What is this game?
How to play this game?
What modes are there in the game?
What about levelups and coins?
Where can I play this game?
Is it an online game?
In the end i'll write the game rating according to my own.
What is this game?
Shell shock live 2 is a shooting game that was developed by Kchamping, you'll have to shoot your enemies to kill them or to get points.
How to play this game?
Way of playing is simple, moving by pressing A to the left and D to the right, you can choose which weapone to shoot with, choose the enemy you want to attack by moving sniping arrow to the way you want to move it to, and using rare items.
In game, there'll be some boxes that you could gain by shooting a shot through it if it was a flying box, moving through it if it was on-ground (you'll have some limited oil in the tank that will define the distance that you'll move -Every round it refreshes-), and chasing (X2) red circles could give the double damage to the enemy.
NOTE: There's gravity which could let the balls that you shoot go down to the ground.
You'll be able to join the game by making your own server and choosing modes that you like, or checking the lobby's servers so you'll be able to join a one.
What modes are there in the game?
If you made server you'll find some stuff up, you'll have to choose:
1. How many players do you want in the server (Minimum 2 / Maximum 6).
2. Game mode, which could be:
Thank you guys, the main aim for this article was just telling you about the game, you might like it and you might not :)
In my experience of playing this game i had fun at it more than other games, I play new games everyday.
Mighty party is a free game on steam, you can buy it's DLC's for 10$ for each, which I've done.
Wanna know if it's a fun game or not? Continiue reading about it!
Mighty party is a free game, it's a fighting game between 2 players which has different mods of gameplays.
In the time that I've played that game at was a good experience to a new thing, I've tried many fighting games before but this game was a bit more special than others.
The aim of the game is to collect cards, coins, gems which are pretty easy to collect..
You can get cards by playing the game and opening chests which contain coins also, chests are usually gained by fighting with other players and winning them, but there's another way to get the chests which is buying them in the shop by coins or gems, whatever you choose, the gems chest has much better cards than the coins one.
On each card there's a different character, each character has it's own strength power and it's special power, for example some double attack the enemies, and others have a high attack power with a high health, you can choose your squad from the collection of cards that you have, upgrade your cards and using the ones that you want, you could know how strong are your cards from something that's called "Might", when "Might" is higher it means that your cards got better, upgrading the cards and using EPIC cards would help to make your "Might" better and better.
The good thing about the game is that it doesn't need a super strong computer to play it at, which's good for gamers who have bad computers because of their own conditions, which gives it more and more points!
In my opinion i enjoyed this game much,
I've got ratings for this game:
Art quality: 28/30 - Characters art is really good even village art is good but I think some characters need some edition however the art in general is still pretty good!
Gameplay enjoyment: 29/30 - That gameplay was pretty good! They knew how to do a good game in fact!
Story and help: 16/20 - Not bad, just they needed to guide the players more, since I discovered stuff in gameplay myself.
Bugs and gliches: 14/20 - There was a bug against a tree boss, I used all boxes and the tree boss used all too which had an endless fight which made me not able to play.
Avarage: 87/100 - This avarage is pretty good for a fighting game, I advice you all to play it!
You gotta wait and earn gems to get your CS GO skin, Maybe you choosen 900 gems one? You gotta collect 900 gems and buy it, same for 500 same for any other ammount.
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今天就在《猎人Hunter X》中开始你的史诗旅程,它是有史以来最流行的少年漫画之一 - Hunter X Hunter 的游戏版。 重温杰·富力士的故事,并找到你最喜欢的漫画人物来与你一起建立团队。通过在回合制战斗中与敌人战斗来完成任务并获得奖励,而在这些战斗中,你不仅需要力量,也需要战术思维。享受非玩家角色、史诗音乐,以及3D效果的精美图像和背景。 以多种方式升级你的角色,以便成为最强大的英雄并在玩家VS玩家中击败你的敌人。在排名中攀升至更高的位置并向他们展现你的实力。 与你的工会一同击败世界首领,让他们为拥有你而感到自豪。立即加入《猎人Hunter X》!...
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