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    malutkyy Flag pl

    1 year ago


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    malutkyy badge
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    完成了一项来自以下游戏的任务: Hero Zero.
    7 years ago
    malutkyy badge
    malutkyy avatar
    完成了一项来自以下游戏的任务: Big Bang Empire.
    7 years ago
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    用户和 bezbronna11 现在是好友了
    8 years ago
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    用户和 Przemas 现在是好友了
    8 years ago
    malutkyy badge
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    完成了一项来自以下游戏的任务: Nostale.
    8 years ago
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    8 years ago
    malutkyy badge
    malutkyy avatar
    完成了一项来自以下游戏的任务: Wizard 101.
    8 years ago
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    malutkyy avatar
    完成了一项来自以下游戏的任务: World of Warships.
    8 years ago
    malutkyy badge
    malutkyy avatar
    8 years ago

    nie przypadło mi do gustu, ale punkty to punkty

    malutkyy badge
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    已评论 OnePiece Online.
    8 years ago

    całkiem fajna gra zależy od klimatów jakie lubicie :P

    malutkyy badge
    malutkyy avatar
    完成了一项来自以下游戏的任务: SAO's Legend.
    8 years ago
    malutkyy badge
    malutkyy avatar
    完成了一项来自以下游戏的任务: Berserk: The Cataclysm.
    8 years ago
    malutkyy badge
    malutkyy avatar
    完成了一项来自以下游戏的任务: Elsword.
    8 years ago
    malutkyy badge
    malutkyy avatar
    完成了一项来自以下游戏的任务: PokeWars.
    8 years ago
    malutkyy badge
    malutkyy avatar
    完成了一项来自以下游戏的任务: World of Tanks.
    8 years ago
    malutkyy badge
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    8 years ago
    malutkyy badge
    malutkyy avatar
    完成了一项来自以下游戏的任务: Big Farm.
    8 years ago
    malutkyy badge
    malutkyy avatar
    已评论 World of Tanks.
    8 years ago

    @lutek77 odrzucili ci z tego powodu że "miałeś konto i z niego wysłałeś" a konto powinno być założone z ich linku, podobny nick jak tutaj, ponieważ oni czerpią korzyści z refflinków

    malutkyy badge
    malutkyy avatar
    完成了一项来自以下游戏的任务: OGame.
    8 years ago
    malutkyy badge
    malutkyy avatar
    评论的话题 pierwsze zadanie.
    8 years ago

    Bardziej chodziło mi o to, że na gamehagu jest "zagraj, a następnie wykonaj pierwsze zadanie" i się zastanawiam czy wcześniej wspomniane pierwsze zadania to jest to pierwsze z wprowadzenia,



    《坦克世界》是一款让玩家参加巨大的战车大战的在线MMO游戏。游戏里最重要的是合作能力,因为胜利不仅取决于你,而是取决于整个盟军坦克! 它不仅是典型的射击游戏,还包括战略,所以玩家必须证明自己的战术能力。壮观的视觉效果和优美的图像立即将玩家带入战争世界,在这里,对坦克机械的熟悉是胜利的关键。在每次战斗中,我们都可以升级自己的战车,而且游戏开发人员也确保了我们的装备不会受限。对于这类游戏的游戏迷来说,这是个非常有趣的选项。玩家可以征服地图上的省以及新的地区。玩家也必须快速做出能正面影响整个阵型的战术决定!这款游戏一定会吸引战争游戏或战略游戏的粉丝。...


    One of the most popular economic strategy browser games. Ikariam puts us in place of an ancient ruler, slowly developing his empire from, initially, a small Greek village. Obviously, as for every strategy game, we need resources, in which will be based our economy. Through them we can expand our buildings, make an army and slowl...

    Desert Operations

    Desert Operations is among the most famous browser strategy games. Lead a country and develop it, in order to become a power. Make alliances with other players and together attack, declare wars and become invincible! Take care of your economy, develop your army in order to acquire even better units and defend yourself against ot...


    The beautiful land of Elrios, once peaceful and an ideal place to live in during several generations, has been devoured by a horrible war, which broke out as a result of an explosion of a vivifying, gigantic blue diamond – a gemstone named El. The creatures absorbing its energy from the gemstone fell down on the ground and...

    Hero Zero

    Batman, Ironman, Spiderman. Would you like to be just like them? Well, now it is possible! Make your own character and slowly, advance your goal. At the beginning, you’ll be doing missions in your neighborhood, just some mere trivialities like chasing away some nagging kids or searching a catnip for your neighbor’s k...


    Travian is one of the most popular strategic games, which has become nearly a legend! The game is set during the wars against German and Gallic barbarians. So we start by choosing between one of three available factions. We can play the Gauls, who are the masters of defense; the Teutons specialized in the attack and the Romans, ...

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