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First of all, let me greet you. I am berroni, and in this topic, you will read about the best upcoming PC games, and about the most popular nowadays question - What are the best upcoming PC games of 2020?. I will do my best to stay simple and short, yet again. After all, it is just a topic and there is no need at all for a big talk. There is nothing else I can say to you in this introduction except these simple words: Sit back, relax & mark your calendar.
Have you ever noticed the Magic Bank feature? Look at the bottom of the site to find the orange text: Magic Bank! Click on it, it will send you to a specific page where you can earn real money by promoting Gamehag. You should fill a form of your valid information and for each new user from your promotion who joins this community, you will earn 1-3$. (The amount of earning depends on the user’s location.)
Hell's armies have invaded Earth. It is up to you to become the slayer and conquer demons across dimensions to stop the final destruction of humanity. Save the civilization, they fear nothing except you. It's an FPS single-player action campaign with glorious graphics details & soundtrack.
Overgrowth is the game that allows you to quickly become the star of martial arts movie. You will clear your way towards the victory though jumping, kicking, throwing & slashing. Free the rabbits from negative, bad overlords & when you finish the story - then you'll play the prequel story, and at the end - try out nine years of mods developed by the community - or create your own mod. Let me be simple - there is no end of it.
Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord is a single-player Sandbox Campaign that offers Extensive Character Creation and Progression Systems,
Realistic Economy and Combat that requires high skill is there to make this game blow your mind.
"Explore the ever-changing halls of the Neverinth and uncover the history of the Valkyrie. Do glorious battle against the beasts and monsters of Norse legend and uncover the hidden pasts of each heroic woman." - Original Steam Description
As you have most likely already seen in past reviews of this game, if you checked them that is, this game is an Anime Roguelike Souls. Neverinth is a game I discovered just a few days ago scrolling through Steam promotions and as I am always interested in non-finished games, Early Access that is, it's one of the things that attracted me to it. Whether you are a fan or not of these games I suggest it to you all. Anyways, I have to admit that even though it is not finished yet it gave me an extraordinarily hard time completing and hard time always sounds interesting and fun - that's what this game does it's best at.
I am not one of those game reviewers who looks at differences between a game he once liked similar to the current one he's playing, so before we start reviewing the Gameplay that was an important fact required to mention. The game starts with your character walking towards you from it's darkened chamber, you'll see how much realistic it looks and how realistically you'll be able to control your character. I give myself the rights to call this game the endless dungeon just like other reviewers call it "a labyrinth that never ends". Don't worry about "game over" by death in this game, each time you die levels will change in layout and enemy placement. Each level is quite unique, some stuff actually does repeat but the game keeps each run fresh quite well. It always makes you interested in what you are going to see on your next run and that infects you not to stop playing the game, surely you will lose hours and hours of time playing it but it will give you back an enormous amount of fun. As you will storage items you win each run you will surely have to find its best use when you get into a situation with limited options, you will bring the max potential out of items. Currently the games 2 different environments you'll scroll through: dungeon and a library. You can use one of two different characters with some unique animations and skills fighting with seven different enemy types and only two bosses. You can also change your characters outfit, you'll unlock them as you progress through the game.
It's a game with decent graphics which quite surprised me, I didn't expect it to be made so well.
Soundtrack and music are doing well, they follow the game and interests you with its flow.
Have in mind that this game is still not completely published, it is still in Early Access
This game is still on 20% promotion, hurry up and enjoy the game to its fullest with no regrets!
"Transport Fever is a railroad-focused tycoon game. Players start in 1850 and build up a thriving transport company. As an emerging transport tycoon, the player constructs stations, airports, harbors and makes money by connecting areas requiring transport services. Build up your own Empire!" - Official Steam Description
当我们看到《坦克世界》受欢迎的程度时,我们不禁会考虑到具有相同主题和机制的游戏是否可以超越这个著名的作品。好吧,它们可以。而且不仅有机会,因为这款名为《战争雷霆》的俄罗斯游戏在很多方面都击败了《坦克世界》。首先,我们可以选择单位的类型。就军队而言,我们有四种选择:美国、德国、苏联和英国。而空军方面也向我们提供了日本。在开始游戏时,我们只能使用一些基本的车辆,但由于游戏具有先进的系统,我们之后可以解锁一些更高级的装置,例如重型坦克或喷气式飞机 (就像第二次世界大战期间那样,数量不多)。所有车辆都按照真实、原始的车辆复制出,即在第二次世界大战中使用的真实坦克。大致上来说,游戏的图像水平非常高。不仅非常仔细地展示了车辆,风景和地图也经过精心设计,令人叹为观止...
《创世战车》是一款基于世界末日的MMO动作游戏。它是由著名《战争雷霆》的创作者开发的,它以不同的方式为我们带来了全新的游戏玩法。如果你认为《创世战车》是战争游戏或战争雷霆的另一个版本,那么它将带给你惊喜 - Gaijin确保了通过更改其先前作品中的一些重要方面来给我们不同的感受。最重要的一点是,我们可以修改车辆!玩家可以从数千种不同的零件当中进行选择来从头改造自己的四轮(甚至更多)车辆。忘了那些默认选项吧,这个游戏对汽车和乐高爱好者而言才是真正的享受!你的“汽车”的外观完全取决于你。你想要它有链锯吗?去吧!机关枪?没问题!这种自由使战场上的每辆战车都看起来不一样,也让玩家能完全释放出自己的创造力。当我们谈论到Gaijin的游戏时,我们不能忘记它有先进的...
《战争前线》是由著名的Crytek工作室创建的免费第一人称射击游戏。如果你熟悉《孤岛惊魂》或《孤岛危机》之类的游戏,那么你肯定知道可以从这个发行商身上期待些什么 - 动作游戏!一个新的世界秩序出现了,你将自行决定要在两个主要派系,战争前线和黑木帝国之间的严重冲突中帮助哪一方。与其他玩家对抗,或以独特的合作模式组队。对战让你有机会在多种不同的游戏模式中射击:占领模式,你必须占领或捍卫三个指挥所;空袭模式,你的目标是向敌人基地发动3次空袭以消灭它们,以及爆破模式、团队竞技、个人竞技、等。在四个不同的职业中进行选择,其中包括:步枪兵、工程兵、支援兵以及狙击手。每个职业在战场上都扮演着不同的角色。体验这个由CryEngine图像呈现出的史诗动作,定制武器并向敌...
请注意:此优惠仅适用于新用户!如果你发现某款手机游戏或应用程序获得了Google Play的提名,那么你可以肯定一件事 - 该游戏并不是普通的游戏。但是,这取决于你如何评估《王国纪元》- 一个由已经在其他游戏中享有盛誉的IGG创建的实时策略手机游戏。 建立自己的军队并选择英雄来与可怕的怪物和其他敌人作战。通过收集和花费宝贵的资源来扩展你的帝国。自定义你的军队,使其从其他玩家的军队中脱颖而出。然而,拥有一个帝国不仅仅是征服。你还必须统治以及结交朋友。你会帮助他们并解放战俘吗?还是你会成为残酷的统治者?这完全取决于你。 立即加入这个具有精美图像设计的游戏。注册《王国纪元》! 请注意:此优惠仅适用于新用户!...
《七龙珠Z Online》是一款基于鸟山明创作的著名动漫的游戏,并且是一款免费网页MMORPG游戏。 这次我们面对的不是典型的格斗游戏,而是一个玩家必须创建自己的角色、招募团队并与动漫系列中知名的角色进行战斗的MMORPG。聚集你的团队并招募可以在比赛中为你提供帮助的角色,并变得更加强大! 《七龙珠Z Online》不仅仅是战斗,虽然这个的确是其世界的核心。除此之外,我们还可以参加各种测试以及在玩家VS玩家的战斗中证明自己的实力。 《七龙珠Z Online》展现了出色的2D图像以及迷人而详尽的风景,例如知名的武术竞技场。原始的日本音乐也能在比赛中制造紧张的气氛。遇见你最喜欢的男女角色并加入《七龙珠》的美好世界吧!...