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    完成了一项来自以下游戏的任务: Magic: The Gathering Arena.
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    获得一个奖励 - Fallout 76 PC EUROPE (Bethesda).
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    完成了一项来自以下游戏的任务: Magic: The Gathering Arena.
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    完成了一项来自以下游戏的任务: Magic: The Gathering Arena.
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    完成了一项来自以下游戏的任务: Saint Seiya Awakening: Knights of the Zodiac.
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    完成了一项来自以下游戏的任务: Game of Thrones Winter is Coming.
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    用户和 AnnaJee 现在是好友了
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    完成了一项来自以下游戏的任务: Game of Thrones Winter is Coming.
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    5 years ago

    is it still good in 2019?

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    评论的话题 thoughts on de game?.
    5 years ago

    that was the main reason why i liked it

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    评论的话题 thoughts on de game?.
    5 years ago

    its cool to have hundreds of different cannons

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    5 years ago

    you are right

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    5 years ago

    I'm mainly a Kha'Zix main, and I will teach you how to play with him in a correct way. Here, on Gamehag there is only a few LoL tutorials, so I thought I should make some. Please ratethis article, so I'll know how my first LoL article is.

    First of all, Kha'Zix is one of the best snowballing assasins and he has lots of different playstyles. So if you want to climb higher and love playing in jungle, you have to start playing Kha'Zix since he's the perfect solo carry champion in League. But if this isn't foe you, you can just read something about him so you'll know his strengh. Hope you like it ;)

    Kha´Zix Pros & Cons


    • Never banned in SoloQ
    • A very fun champion
    • Good one champion to one trick
    • Carry potential
    • Insane burst damag
    • Can easy one-shot enemy carries
    • Strong late game
    • High mobility
    • Low pick rate in SoloQ so you are almost always guaranteed to get Kha Zix


    • Weak if behind
    • Weak vs cc
    • Weak vs peel comp (Janna, Lulu etc.)

    Evolve order?

    Q is always the first, it helps you in wave clear and 1v1. Then usually W or E (if you ae fed), or R if you like his stealthing playstyle.

    Mainly E and R are the evoulutions that can get countered.

    E evolve is getting countered by cc, such as Poppy´s W, Veigar´s E or Janna´s Q and R while R evolve is getting countered by champions who can reveal stealth, such as Lee sin with his Q and E or Twisted Fate with his R.

    If you are against some of these champions you might want to evolve in a different way that you usually do :)

    Runes, Items

    I recommend Electrocute or Dark Harvest, but you can also choose Conqueror.


    Jungle path early game

    1. Red
    2. Krugs
    3. Raptors
    4. Wolves 
    5. Scuttle ****
    6. Gank or go to blue 
    7. If gank then reset if blue then clear gromp and then reset

    After reset go to Krugs and afterwards raptors

    You always wanna go for ganks if they are free over clearing a jungle camp

    Tips & Tricks for Kha Zix

    1. Passive unssen threat reset when ever going into unwarded bush
    2.  You can Tiamat + Q mid air if E is evolved
    3.  Your Q gets 50+ bonus range when evolved
    4.  Your Q is extended when mid air if E is evolved
    5.  Whenever kha is in ulti he is ignoring unit collision which means he can´t be minion blocked
    6.  Kha Zix W evolved gives sight of enemies
    7.  Your passive also slows which means your combo will look like this: aa + passive with slow + Q
    8.  Your ulti can cancel targeted abilities such as Darius ulti if timed correctly
    9.  Flash will cancel your E jump so use Flash then E not the opposite way around
    10.  Your Q is not an auto attack so you can still Q things such as Pantheon with passive block Jax with E counter strike active

    Bonus tip: Animation cancel on W after you have landed with e

    How to gank as Kha Zix?

    (don't go directly, aim for the way he'll use for escape)

    Try to gank laners who has cc, since kha´zix has no cc in his kit except one little slow in his passive

    If enemy laner has flash up:
    Try to come up behind the enemy laner Go in auto attack with passive for slow Use Q on the enemy to burst USe R to become invisible and reset your passive and then auto attack to proc your passive extra damage and slow again (do this twice, combined with your R and Q) Use W while in close range of the enemy to gain heal back Use E after enemy flashed to keep on being in range with Q and auto attack

    If enemy laner doesn´t have flash up:
    Use E to instantly be in range of the enemy Use Q and Auto attacks for damage USe R to become invisible and reset your passive and then auto attack to proc your passive extra damage and slow again (do this twice, combined with your R and Q) Use W while in close range to gain heal back In teamfights, your job is to assasinate the enemy carry (adc or mid laner) so enemy won't have enough to win the fight. Or other thing is before teamfight you maybe catch someone in the jungle and kill him, making the next teamfight unfair.

    That's all for now, I hope I could show you something new, if you are interested in LoL tutorials, rate this article and comment, that's how you can let me know it. :)


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    用户和 Eminemhhihvghu 现在是好友了
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    完成了一项来自以下游戏的任务: World of Warships.
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    完成了一项来自以下游戏的任务: World of Warships.
    5 years ago
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    完成了一项来自以下游戏的任务: World of Warships.
    5 years ago
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    用户和 MariaKel 现在是好友了
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    5 years ago




    当我们看到《坦克世界》受欢迎的程度时,我们不禁会考虑到具有相同主题和机制的游戏是否可以超越这个著名的作品。好吧,它们可以。而且不仅有机会,因为这款名为《战争雷霆》的俄罗斯游戏在很多方面都击败了《坦克世界》。首先,我们可以选择单位的类型。就军队而言,我们有四种选择:美国、德国、苏联和英国。而空军方面也向我们提供了日本。在开始游戏时,我们只能使用一些基本的车辆,但由于游戏具有先进的系统,我们之后可以解锁一些更高级的装置,例如重型坦克或喷气式飞机 (就像第二次世界大战期间那样,数量不多)。所有车辆都按照真实、原始的车辆复制出,即在第二次世界大战中使用的真实坦克。大致上来说,游戏的图像水平非常高。不仅非常仔细地展示了车辆,风景和地图也经过精心设计,令人叹为观止...



    World of Warships

    Become a Commander and plunge into global naval history!The World of Warships fleet features over 200 ships, dating back to the First and Second World Wars. Find out which warship type suits you best, and amass a navy of your own.Choose the flag you want to sail under. In WoWs, you can pick from the world's leading naval forces....




    《创世战车》是一款基于世界末日的MMO动作游戏。它是由著名《战争雷霆》的创作者开发的,它以不同的方式为我们带来了全新的游戏玩法。如果你认为《创世战车》是战争游戏或战争雷霆的另一个版本,那么它将带给你惊喜 - Gaijin确保了通过更改其先前作品中的一些重要方面来给我们不同的感受。最重要的一点是,我们可以修改车辆!玩家可以从数千种不同的零件当中进行选择来从头改造自己的四轮(甚至更多)车辆。忘了那些默认选项吧,这个游戏对汽车和乐高爱好者而言才是真正的享受!你的“汽车”的外观完全取决于你。你想要它有链锯吗?去吧!机关枪?没问题!这种自由使战场上的每辆战车都看起来不一样,也让玩家能完全释放出自己的创造力。当我们谈论到Gaijin的游戏时,我们不能忘记它有先进的...


    请注意:此优惠仅适用于新用户!如果你发现某款手机游戏或应用程序获得了Google Play的提名,那么你可以肯定一件事 - 该游戏并不是普通的游戏。但是,这取决于你如何评估《王国纪元》- 一个由已经在其他游戏中享有盛誉的IGG创建的实时策略手机游戏。 建立自己的军队并选择英雄来与可怕的怪物和其他敌人作战。通过收集和花费宝贵的资源来扩展你的帝国。自定义你的军队,使其从其他玩家的军队中脱颖而出。然而,拥有一个帝国不仅仅是征服。你还必须统治以及结交朋友。你会帮助他们并解放战俘吗?还是你会成为残酷的统治者?这完全取决于你。 立即加入这个具有精美图像设计的游戏。注册《王国纪元》! 请注意:此优惠仅适用于新用户!...

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