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    Cristian63637 Flag ro

    9 months ago


    Cristian63637 badge
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    Targu Mures







    Cristian63637 badge
    Cristian63637 avatar
    Commented World of Tanks.
    4 years ago

    I think the game deserves atleast a try you will like it if you like war games great game but still underdog. i think its best game

    Cristian63637 badge
    Cristian63637 avatar
    彼は 2 レヴェルに達しました
    4 years ago
    Cristian63637 badge
    Cristian63637 avatar
    He took part in a giveaway SUDOKU TIME
    4 years ago
    Cristian63637 badge
    Cristian63637 avatar
    Commented Forge of Empires.
    4 years ago

    It is so hard to reach to the iron age and there is almost none gems for it, I d

    Cristian63637 badge
    Cristian63637 avatar
    コメントした件名 Terraria: Journey's End Update Part II.
    4 years ago

    Windy Day is an event in Terraria that results in increased wind speeds and more clouds in the background of your world. This weather is also ideal for flying kites. The Kite is a new item that can be used by the player to simulate flying a kite. There are a bunch of Kites in the game, Kites like the Blue Kite, Red Kite, Bunny Kite, Goldfish Kite, Wyvern Kite, and even a Pin Wheel.

    Cristian63637 badge
    Cristian63637 avatar
    コメントした件名 what is MINECRAFT?.
    4 years ago


    Cristian63637 badge
    Cristian63637 avatar
    コメントした件名 trach game.
    4 years ago

    Roblox is for everyone, funny you mentioned that

    Cristian63637 badge
    Cristian63637 avatar
    コメントした件名 Roblox is for everyone.
    4 years ago

    hello !! good game Roblox is for everyone, funny you

    Cristian63637 badge
    Cristian63637 avatar
    コメントした件名 Talk about adopt me game in roblox!.
    4 years ago

    i am not like the others, i am not 7, 8, 9, 10. I am much older but i have to say that roblox is a very friendly game, as long as you are playing wisely in the way that scammers and hackers will trick you into doing something.

    Cristian63637 badge
    Cristian63637 avatar
    コメントした件名 Is fortnite bad or its just the community?.
    4 years ago

    didn't collect my gems for the taks, just been rejected with a clueless explanation that my account wasn't a new one...that's ridicilous giving the fact i played only for 3 hours same day i managed to download the game itself and completed the task... and then they adviced me to create a new acc and resent a screenshot once again...u know w

    Cristian63637 badge
    Cristian63637 avatar
    He took part in a giveaway Block Competition
    4 years ago
    Cristian63637 badge
    Cristian63637 avatar
    コメントした件名 how to get MORE EXP.
    4 years ago

    how to obtain robux free?

    Cristian63637 badge
    Cristian63637 avatar
    A user and iulia1 are friends now
    4 years ago
    Cristian63637 badge
    Cristian63637 avatar
    彼は 2 レヴェルに達しました
    4 years ago
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    A user and MariaJuks are friends now
    4 years ago
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    A user and deleted_1601728668 are friends now
    4 years ago
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    A user and HannaTof are friends now
    4 years ago
    Cristian63637 badge
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    A user and deleted_1598980331 are friends now
    4 years ago
    Cristian63637 badge
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    A user and deleted_1598980317 are friends now
    4 years ago
    Cristian63637 badge
    Cristian63637 avatar
    A user and MariaOop are friends now
    4 years ago



    War Thunder

    私たちが戦争ゲームやタンクゲームの人気を見たときに、似たようなテーマとメカニックを持つゲームが有名な出版社に対してチャンスを生かせるかどうかを確かめなければなりません。 しかし、彼らはできるでしょう。 そして、このロシアのゲーム「War Thunder」がさまざまな点でWoTに勝利したため、チャンスを逃すことはありません。最初はユニットのタイプを選択できます。軍隊の場合は、米国、ドイツ、ソ連、英国の4つの可能性があります。空軍は私たちに日本の国家を提供します。基本的な車両だけにアクセスできるようにしてゲームを始めるが、熟考された進歩システムのおかげで、その後、より高度なユニットのロックを解除することができます。重い戦車やジェット機(これは、第二次世界大...

    Star Conflict

    Star Conflict is a MMO game that is an incredibly extended space simulation. As in all games of this type, we can choose to play alone and carry out the missions or to play in a team where the cooperation is one of the most important features! The part of creating our character is a very interesting aspect of this game. So, ther...


    Please keep in mind that the offer is ONLY for the new users! Robloxは自由に遊べるMMOソーシャルゲームプラットフォームで、創造性が想像力を現実にします。このゲームでは、どのゲームをプレイしたいかはプレイヤー次第のように、自分のバーチャルワールドとゲームを作成するのはプレイヤー次第です。そして、その選択肢は、プレイするすべての場所を創作した想像力と同じように、本当に多様化しています!誰かがRobloxについて適切な説明をしたいと思っているなら、Minecraft、Lego、Garry's Modの組み合わせだと言えるでしょう。これ以外のものはありませんが、これらすべてのゲームで遊ぶには...


    Crossoutは、黙示録的な世界に基づいたMMOアクションゲームです。それは有名なWar Thunderの作成者によって開発され、若干異なる表現で完全に新しくなっています。CrossoutがWargamingゲームやWar Thunderの他の真似だと思っているなら、あなたを驚かせるでしょう。Gaijinsは、以前の作品からいくつかの非常に重要な側面を変更しました。最も重要なことは、私たちが車両を改造できるという事実です!プレーヤーは、何千もの異なるコンポーネントの中から選択することができ、(そしてさらに!) 自分の四輪車の車両をゼロから作る事ができます。デフォルトの車両については忘れて、このゲームは本当に自動車とレゴの愛好家のためのものです!あなた...

    Vast Wars

    Vast Wars is a browser MMO game inspired by the crimes and lives of criminals. The main idea of the game is to build an empire and become the real boss of the mafia.Develop your city and your character (among others through regular training) and perform a whole series of missions to strengthen your position in the ranking. Fight...

    Lineage 2 Classic

    Lineage 2 Classic is a free MMORPG, which after many years has returned in its former, hardcore form!Join the world of Elmoreden, choose from 5 available races and 31 classes and join bloodcurdling battle. The game poses quite a challenge, because every little mistake can cost us a lot. The death of our character results in a lo...

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