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    Borealis Flag se

    7 years ago


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    報酬を受け取りました- Steam Wallet 10€.
    7 years ago
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    彼は 6 レヴェルに達しました
    7 years ago
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    7 years ago

    I liked Star Wars, so when I saw it, I instantly was gravitated towards it. I want to ask you, is this actually related to the series or is it just a cashgrab? Is it also good? Is it free? Do I need to grind a lot? Are there hackers?

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    コメントした件名 Dota 2 is Better.
    7 years ago

    This is just an opinion my friend. League has cuter animations and characters with more depth and meaning, plus actually nice names. What kind of name is Sniper? We got Caitlyn and Jhin here. Also, Artifact? Really???

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    コメントした件名 wHY DO i suck at this game?.
    7 years ago

    Main a few champs, play safe, dont chase kills EVER, focus towers, back when you get a kill, dont hesitate to back if you are weak, practice trading, practice csing... so much to learn!

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    コメントした件名 IS this game worth playing?.
    7 years ago

    Play it. It's got great graphics, great soundtrack and not that bad mechanics. To be fair, not my type of game but I think you'd like it

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    コメントした件名 How does this game compare to War Thunder?.
    7 years ago

    Are there any significant differences between the two? Both are tank games set in WW2, and they look super similar. Which one is better to play? Which one is more rewarding also?

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    コメントした件名 Good Game? Still Alive?.
    7 years ago

    I kept seeing ads about the game but haven't seen one in ages. I'd stay clear out of it. I think it also has microtransactions which is bad

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    コメントした件名 Anyone got any good reward from chests ?!.
    7 years ago

    Only runes and cheap games. Anyone get good games????

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    コメントした件名 Ornn: strong or weak for ranked?.
    7 years ago

    Ornn is super weak right now, he has a winrate of 40%. Don't play him until he's buffed.

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    コメントした件名 This game has devolved into chaos....
    7 years ago

    I have played this for a very long time, and what I can say is it sadly isn't the game it once was... It used to be a F2P game where you didn't need to buy stuff, but now, it's Pay-To-Win. You either have to grind the life out of you or simply fork over thousands of dollars. Yes, I did just say that! Hopefully BP will fix this... Oh and the hackers... yeah.

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    彼は 5 レヴェルに達しました
    7 years ago
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    A user and antwnhs88 are friends now
    7 years ago
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    彼は 4 レヴェルに達しました
    7 years ago
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    彼は 3 レヴェルに達しました
    7 years ago
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    彼は 2 レヴェルに達しました
    7 years ago


    War Thunder

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