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    Comments, reviews and ratings of the game Lost Ark

    Круто, круто і круто, мені дуже подобаються такі ігри але не більше як кс го, я пам'ятаю грав в ігру Казаки шось тіпа цього

    7 december 2020 07:08

    i loved the game when i first stared playing it, however after a while more and more player join in and the game seemed to become less fun so i left the game

    28 december 2020 20:41

    i played and it good!
    uwu play it now ! =D

    30 march 2021 10:27

    is spce game il lke gai is low pc cool i lke

    5 april 2021 08:46

    is games vry cool i lke games low pc very ice games

    6 april 2021 10:41

    Круто, круто і круто, мені дуже подобаються такі ігри але не більше як кс го, я пам'ятаю грав в ігру Казаки шось тіпа цього

    7 april 2021 12:50

    до 4 уровоня очень быстро дошел кстати игра четкая

    17 april 2021 17:25

    cool game very good i lkes at game nices game i lkes at agme goog

    17 april 2021 19:22

    urraa urra lost ark lost ark 750 gems games similiar to lost ark

    5 may 2021 15:06

    varied. Character customization is a prominent selling point, and there's o dede

    21 october 2021 18:37

    The interactive is not as a reader only for pleasure, if you cannot read for pleasure, at least as the weakest estimate...

    9 november 2021 01:32

    Lost ark is one of the most best games i ever played

    11 november 2021 11:42

    я грав і це добре!
    грай зараз! =D

    27 april 2022 19:41

    recoment thise to everyone theres nothing that will make you dislike thise game perfection

    31 january 2023 13:17

    А подойдет торрент?

    2 february 2023 09:23

    нначну проходить игра вроди крутоя

    15 april 2023 15:27

    When it comes to this game, I feel conflicted as a new player. I recently reached level 1420 and have been watching tutorials for Valtan. I'd like to fight him to get his gear set, but it's legit impossible because no one plays it. In fact, this has been my experience with around 95% of the content in the game. Basically, I reach an item level, realize the content coorelated to that IL is dead, so i just do chaos then sit at the homing table on ad-infinitum.

    I understand the powerpass can just bump you up to relatively easily to 1430 if you get enough materials from your dailys and whatnot, but...I still would like to just play these contents to just play the game, progress in a more fun and engaging way, get different gear sets ect ect... I just want to play the game. I'd imagine what happened to valtan normal, the same thing will happen to vykas, then to clown, then to even brel in the future. And I don't want to just be stuck with the argos set until the end of time.

    This game feels more like a race than a journey, and if you don't play new stuff as soon as it is released, you are effectively discouraged from ever playing that stuff again, especially if you are new.

    Therefore, why not simply make these dead contents soloable? Is there a reason not to?

    I know how to use party finder. Iam not just sitting for 8 hours using the matchmaking option. I have tried party finder, creating my own party and discords to find a group and nothing.

    8 may 2023 15:42

    Its a cool game , i like it , its a good

    21 may 2023 11:46

    its a cool game, but after some time it becomes a bit boring with all the grind

    13 june 2023 02:55

    game have so cool graphics thx i love the way its starts and begins

    29 september 2024 11:24

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