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    游戏 - 2D游戏


    评价 游戏 - 2D游戏
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    State of Survival

    State of Survival: Survive the Zombie Apocalypse is a free strategy game available on mobile phones. An epidemic broke out six months ago. Unfortunately, it was more dangerous than you might think - infections spread all over the country, and everyone became zombies. You are one of the few survivors who have the strength to figh...

    最佳游戏列表: 2D游戏

    State of Survival

    State of Survival: Survive the Zombie Apocalypse is a free strategy game available on mobile phones. An epidemic broke out six months ago. Unfortunately, it was more dangerous than you might think - infections spread all over the country, and everyone became zombies. You are one of the few survivors who have the strength to figh...



    Big Bang Empire

    Caution! Big Bang Empire contains erotic content and therefore it’s intended for adults only....


    每个动漫迷都应该知道《死神》!如果你是该系列的粉丝,就绝对必须玩《死神Online》。创建你的角色并完成许多任务,以获得经验并成为最佳的死神!战斗都是回合制的,游戏本身很简单。它包括前往各个指定区域并完成我们收到的任务,而这些任务主要是战斗。在你的冒险之旅中,你会遇到各式各样的敌人和盟友,他们将在旅行中陪伴着你,并与你携手作战。以各种组合建立你的团队 - 后方的支持和前方的战士。从任务中收集独特的物品,这些物品可以被售卖或用于升级你当前的装备。在之后的所有级别中,你都可以解锁新的以及更好的装甲或武器,以变得更强大并且应对越来越强大的对手。所以,不要再等了,加入死神的世界,与所有灵魂进行搏斗并向他们展示你是最厉害的死神!...




    《日本神话大战》是一款网页免费MMORPG游戏,乍一看似乎与其他同类游戏一样。然而,为了确保玩家不会感到单调,创作者设置了让玩家寻找自己的解决方案的功能。 站在善良的那一方,与威胁你的王国的强大恶魔对抗。发展你的城市,从而发展你以及团队的技能,这将帮助你在越来越危险的探险旅途中前进。走进地牢的深渊并且越走越深以对抗更强大的对手。 在回合制战斗中与你的敌人作战并释放出你的战术技能以在神话大战的排名中攀升至更高的位置!与其他玩家并肩作战,与更强大的怪物对战并获得更多诱人的奖励。立即加入《日本神话大战》吧!...



    Hunter X Online

    今天就在《猎人Hunter X》中开始你的史诗旅程,它是有史以来最流行的少年漫画之一 - Hunter X Hunter 的游戏版。 重温杰·富力士的故事,并找到你最喜欢的漫画人物来与你一起建立团队。通过在回合制战斗中与敌人战斗来完成任务并获得奖励,而在这些战斗中,你不仅需要力量,也需要战术思维。享受非玩家角色、史诗音乐,以及3D效果的精美图像和背景。 以多种方式升级你的角色,以便成为最强大的英雄并在玩家VS玩家中击败你的敌人。在排名中攀升至更高的位置并向他们展现你的实力。 与你的工会一同击败世界首领,让他们为拥有你而感到自豪。立即加入《猎人Hunter X》!...

    Dragon Awaken

    Dragon Awaken 是一款充满龙的梦幻世界的免费MMORPG游戏。在冒险开始前我们可以选择角色的性别。为了跟上传说中的龙骑士,必须不断增强英雄。回合制战斗系统提供了许多不同的可能性,这有助于我们适应对不同敌人的攻击。游戏里有着可以在战斗中帮助我们的巨龙。成为传奇的龙族战士,饲养并训练你的龙以及招募其他英雄以打造一支无可被取代的战士团队。尽你所能来战胜黑暗之龙。...

    Gods Origin Online

    立即加入Gods Origin Online,与邪恶势力进行史诗战斗,以捍卫将你带到这个世界的时光女神。 以魔术师或战士的身份战斗并选择英雄的性别,然后潜入这个魔幻般的永恒魔法世界。但是要明智地选择!因为这两类人的技能不同,因此你必须考虑你想要如何击败敌人。你是想要利用强大的魔法咒语还是你自己的肌肉力量?这是你的选择,所有独特的技能或装备也在等着你。参加各种活动 - 不仅是故事实例,还包括地牢、公会之战、世界首领以及竞技场等等! 立即加入Gods Origin Online,在这个受希腊神话影响的世界中体验新的冒险。...


    探索《神圣风暴》的奇幻世界,并进入这个全新的网页MMORPG游戏以消灭潜伏在这世界的黑暗角落中的邪恶力量。 在三种不同的类别中进行选择 - 战士、游侠和法师,并使用自己的力量在史诗战斗中面对敌人。通过进入危险的地牢,购买新装备或寻找强大的物品来增加角色的力量。获得可以让你的英雄角色焕然一新的飞翼、坐骑和宠物 - 这是在其他同类游戏中突出的三个特征。邀请你的朋友或寻找新的朋友来组成小组并一起成为世界上最强大的战士。优化你的技能轮换并变得更强大以击败最强大的敌人。 今天就加入神圣风暴吧!...


    在《神魔大陆》里,每时每刻都是在探索新的事物,在穿越无尽的埃里(Eyry)土地的过程里,你一定不会错过它们。在游戏中,你将遇到朋友并与他们一起经历激动人心的冒险,或创建公会,此外也会遇到敌人并与他们进行疯狂的战斗,直到剩下最后一滴血。 你可以从七个种族和十个角色类别中进行选择,因此每个玩家都可以根据自己的喜好自定义其角色,这都要归功于已增强的个性化系统。除了这些类别以外,我们还可以获得可以进一步丰富游戏玩法的专业职业。我们将会有很多任务要执行、要杀死很多头目、还要获得物品、进行改进以及获得奖杯,因此会花费很多时间。所以不要犹豫了,立即加入《神魔大陆》吧!...


    《完美世界国际版》是一款免费的MMORPG游戏,其背景设置在一个美丽的幻想世界中,在那里,可以让不可能成为可能! 探索这个巨大、完美以及令人叹为观止的世界,这些都不仅仅是通过图像设计来完善,还有那些悦耳的音乐,可以让我们完全融入在那里度过的时光。角色创建让我们有机会创建自己的独特头像,这可以满足甚至是最苛刻的玩家的需求。从五种种族中选择一个:人族、羽族、 汐族、妖族和灵族。除了原始的外观以外,每个种族都有自己的级别。在玩家VS玩家中与其他玩家战斗或创建一个小组并一起面对潜伏在各个角落的怪物。 不要再等了,现在就开始在《完美世界国际版》中冒险吧!...

    Unlimited Ninja

    Unlimited Ninja是一款网页MMORPG游戏。这是一个在宇宙展开的,极为流行的漫画动漫。你将扮演一位非常开朗的英雄,经常旅行以寻求刺激和冒险、执行各种任务、寻找恶魔并与电脑对手和其他玩家作战。Unlimited Ninja具有分支的故事情节和出色的视听音乐。 在网页游戏Unlimited Ninja中,我们可以选择3种类型的男女,分别是:幽灵刀刃、精神刀刃和基多,他们每一种都具有不同的能力和游戏风格。幽灵刀刃专注于近战,精神刀刃专注于射击而基多则是支持盟友并分散对手的注意力。 除了与电脑进行战斗,你还可以在玩家VS玩家的比赛中与其他玩家竞争。Unlimited Ninja中的战斗是以回合制发生在竞技场上,并且以精美的图像呈现。...

    Omega Zodiac

    Omega Zodiac是基于结合了希腊和斯堪的纳维亚神话的日本漫画《圣斗士星矢》。这是Nutaku向西方市场推出的第十款游戏。他们主要提供动漫类游戏,像是《企业少女》和《Angelic Saga》。 根据漫画,五名战士,也被称为“圣徒”,誓言要保护雅典娜女神的化身,雅典娜保护了地球免受嗜血的奥林匹斯众神的侵害。 在游戏中,你可以找到三种类别:战士 - 是天生的龙杀手,具有很强的力量和毅力;大师 - 具有很高的智商和速度的黑暗魔术师;以及可以对特定区域造成伤害也是光明卫队中最精明的职业 - 弓箭手。如果你不注意那些无意义的疯狂情节,Omega Zodiac就会变成典型的网页游戏,自动发送邮件和定期访问地牢,并且让玩家可以杀死大量怪物和带走稀有装备。这里...

    Sacred Saga Online

    Sacred Saga Online是由Global Genom Corporate开发的免费网页MMORPG游戏,它以令人惊叹的3D图形设计和非常出色而丰富的配乐置身于幻想世界中。 雅典市遭到攻击,为了保护古城免受其他嫉妒的神灵及其支持者的袭击,雅典娜需要尽可能强大的力量-这就是她选择你的原因。雅典变得越来越强大,市民对此感到满足,这加剧了其他神灵的愤怒并因此引起了人民的恐惧。你已被选为雅典娜的冠军,而你必须与任何种类的生物,敌人甚至与神灵对抗,以捍卫这座城市及其居民。作为对你的麻烦的交换,雅典娜将为你提供各种强大的神圣盔甲作为奖励,使你比以往更强大。 你可以以骑士,弓箭手或巫师的身份开始冒险。每个类型都有自己的动画和排他性攻击。Sacred Sag...

    七龙珠Z Online

    《七龙珠Z Online》是一款基于鸟山明创作的著名动漫的游戏,并且是一款免费网页MMORPG游戏。 这次我们面对的不是典型的格斗游戏,而是一个玩家必须创建自己的角色、招募团队并与动漫系列中知名的角色进行战斗的MMORPG。聚集你的团队并招募可以在比赛中为你提供帮助的角色,并变得更加强大! 《七龙珠Z Online》不仅仅是战斗,虽然这个的确是其世界的核心。除此之外,我们还可以参加各种测试以及在玩家VS玩家的战斗中证明自己的实力。 《七龙珠Z Online》展现了出色的2D图像以及迷人而详尽的风景,例如知名的武术竞技场。原始的日本音乐也能在比赛中制造紧张的气氛。遇见你最喜欢的男女角色并加入《七龙珠》的美好世界吧!...


    《海贼王 海贼无双2》是一款免费的MMO RPG网页游戏,是基于流行的动漫《海贼王》。跟随地图,并在所有充满危险的地方导航你的船!精致的图像以及新的船只和设备都可以给你带来更多乐趣。从四个主角中选择一个:水手、黑暗法师、狙击手或医生,并招募能帮助你成为第一个发现宝藏的人的船员!与著名的漫画系列中的人物见面,并启航以成为海贼王! ...

    Mythic Glory

    Mythic Glory是一款MMO RPG网页游戏,玩家可以在三种不同类型的角色之间进行选择以应对强大的对手。 梦幻般的世界正在等待那些不害怕走进这个神奇王国的勇敢探险者的到来。 开发角色、库存和同伴们非常重要,因为这在大多数的MMORPG游戏中很常见。建立自己的团队也很重要,因为游戏将涉及到集体攻击的战斗机制。 不要再等了,现在就开始战斗吧!...






    《我的传奇》是著名游戏《我的海盗》的全新版本 - 实际上, 是该游戏的直接延续,并进行了一些改进, 但这些改进肯定会吸引第一款游戏的所有粉丝!《我的传奇》是一款基于非常受欢迎的漫画系列《海贼王》的游戏,其主要英雄是蒙其·D·鲁夫,一群疯狂的船员陪伴着他穿越大洋寻找宝藏。你将从4个不同的类别中进行选择:水手、黑暗法师、狙击手和医生。他们每个都有各自的优点和缺点。加入鲁夫的新旅程并与他们一起冒险! ...

    Snake VS Block

    Snake VS Block 是一款免费的街机游戏,每一位著名的 "Snake" 复古版游戏的粉丝都一定会喜欢!这个游戏的规则似乎很简单,但是要应付这个我们最可爱的角色并不是那么容易。你必须控制好蛇才能打破障碍。为此,你需要捕获途中出现的金球。球可以使蛇长大,并赋予它力量击中障碍物。要小心,因为主要困难是蛇的速度,这非常考验你的敏捷性。在游戏中,你可以选择多人游戏的选项来和你的朋友一起玩。向所有人展示谁才是真正的蛇王吧!...

    Vast Wars

    Vast Wars是一款受犯罪分子的罪行和生活启发的网页MMO游戏。游戏的主要思想是建立帝国并成为黑手党的终极老板。发展你的城市和你的角色(包括定期培训等),并执行一系列任务以增强你在排名中的位置。与其他玩家战斗、破坏以及抢劫。采取所有必要的措施并且不要被抓到。由于游戏适应了浏览器,因此Vast Wars不需要硬盘上的额外空间,所以你随时都可以访问你的犯罪世界。向其他玩家表明你的地位并建立一个犯罪帝国。...


    游戏需要下载安卓模拟器 - BlueStacks! 加入全球数百万玩家的行列,带领英雄团队前往古老的废墟击败黑暗势力。 你可以使用来自不同派系的200多位英雄,他们都拥有各种不同的技能。训练他们并为胜利做好准备。派出最好的人选参加竞技场的战斗并赢得诱人的奖品。 与世界各地的朋友和玩家战斗,争夺大陆的统治权,与公会的盟友作战并展示你的统治属于谁!...

    Hustle Castle: Fantasy Kingdom

    游戏需要下载安卓模拟器 - BlueStacks!成为中世纪城堡的统治者!击败对手,建立更大的堡垒并保护公民。 滋养你的骑士、训练你的军队以将敌人粉身碎骨。 烧毁一些敌对的城堡以制造恐慌,训练那些无法被替代的专有人员,并确保你的居民有良好的繁殖条件。...


    《第三纪元》是一个免费的网页策略游戏,其中三个大王国将与危险的兽人及其强大的统治者进行战斗。 世界处于危险之中,幸运的是,有一个英雄能够击败敌军并带领他的王国取得胜利!在三个王国中选择一个并与你的盟友肩并肩作战。一同击败攻击你的兽人世界并发展你的战斗技能。扩大你的王国、收集你需要的资源并确保每一个人都安全! 不要再等了,今天就开始玩《第三纪元》吧! ...


    《海贼无双H5》是一个免费的网页游戏,其中同名动画系列的主角扮演游戏中的主要角色。 如果你是动漫和漫画《海贼王》的粉丝,那么这个免费的网页游戏绝对适合你!扮演你最喜欢的角色之一并进入战斗。扩大你的团队、收集有价值的物品并加以改进以使其变得越来越强大。在途中,你会遇到许多敌人和各式各样的首领,你必须打败这些敌人才能继续前进。 建立自己的团队并立即玩《海贼无双H5》吧! ...

    Eternal fury

    Eternal Fury是一款充满动作以及加入了回合制战斗的免费网页战略游戏。 从三个级别中选择一个:骑士、法师或射手并在人与魔鬼交战的世界中开始冒险。阻止女神Hel夺取神的境界,与她的强大的雇佣兵对抗并拯救众多无辜的生命。 发展自己的人物角色、结识新的朋友、发明新的策略和战术以立于不败之地。 不要再等了!今天就开始玩Eternal Fury吧!...


    立即加入Elvenar,并与精灵或人类一起在古老的魔法与剑与斧头之间进行永恒的对抗。Elvenar是由InnoGames创建的另一种网页游戏,InnoGames创建了诸如Tribal Wars、Grepolis以及Empire Forge等等的游戏。虽说是“另一种网页游戏”,但并不比其他游戏来得差,而且创作者也在游戏中竭尽全力地说服我们了。与该团队的其他游戏不同的是,在Elvenar,我们必须选择我们想扮演的统治者角色的种族。我们的目的是扩展 - 将我们的小村庄发展成一个发达城市。 如果前面提到的游戏引起了你的注意,那么你现在就必须玩Elvenar!...

    Snake Blast!

    Snake Blast! 是一款可在iOS手机上玩的简单免费游戏。 带领你的蛇穿过五颜六色的砖块,并发射数百个五颜六色的子弹射击砖块以打开你的路。收集更多的球球来增加射击的力量,并尽你所能地走到更远!从50多种不同的皮肤中选择并将你的蛇个性化,选择最适合你的一种,并赶上游戏乐趣的旋风! 不要再等了,立即开始玩Snake Blast吧!...

    Armor Valor

    Armor Valor是一款免费的实时策略游戏,具有RPG元素以及多姿多彩的梦幻世界。在魔幻般的土地上以领主的身份开始冒险,并尽你所能管理你的城堡。派遣工人去收集必要的资源并确保没有遗漏任何东西。建立自己的无敌军队并召唤强大的神话英雄来协助你战斗。在探索土地的过程中,你会遇到许多怪物,击败它们可以增强你和你的同伴的力量,使你变得更强大!不要再等了,今天就开始玩Armor Valor吧!...



    Blade of Kings

    Blade of Kings is a free browser RPG game developed by Esprit Games studio. Choose your character and jump into the fray! On your way you will meet hundreds of incredibly strong opponents who want to stop you and your team. Defeat anyone who wants to interrupt you and climb to the top. Collect experience and equipment, use your ...

    Conflict of Nations - World War 3

    Conflict of Nations - World War 3 is a free browser-based strategy game developed by Dorado Games studio. Join the world's largest armed conflict and fight against dozens of other players. Control your country, take care of providing the most important resources that will help you develop your armed forces and economy. Research ...

    Perfect Fantasy

    Perfect Fantasy is a free, colorful RPG game from Esprit Games studio, which you can play both on the computer and on the mobile device! Gather your party of mighty warriors and mages and go to war with a sorcerer who wants to take over your land. Stand up for the innocent as a true hero and embark on a journey where you will tr...

    Dark Genesis

    Dark Genesis is a free browser MMORPG created by Esprit Games studio. Build an island citadel, assemble a party of demigods and take part in the battle for the fate of the world. Travel through a magical world, fight powerful enemies and learn an amazing story on your wanderings. Discover secrets, solve puzzles and have fun in e...

    Idle Glory

    Idle Glory is a free browser RPG game developed by Esprit Games studio.Immerse yourself in the exciting world of battles and magic, see what adventures await you and become the hero everyone needs. Create your own team and set off to fight powerful enemies, gather experience and constantly develop your skills. From now on, you d...

    Opera GX

    Opera GX is a browser made especially for gamers.Enjoy blazing-fast web browsing speed on both mobile and desktop devices. Opera GX offers the ability to set limits on CPU, RAM and network usage, so you are able to control device performance. The sidebar allows you to connect Twitch, Discord, Messenger and many other application...

    Dark Orbit Reloaded

    It’s time to conquer the universe! Dark Orbit is a browser strategy game set in a space universe of science-fiction.We can choose among three fractions, involved in intergalactic conflict. They differ in their structure, the tasks and the construction of units. During the fights and by collecting resources, we rise level b...

    MiliGirls Fantasy

    MiliGirls is a free browser fantasy game that is a mix of shooter and gacha games.Lovely girls and huge machine guns are the perfect combinations! Go to war with your MiliGirls and fight together anytime, anywhere. Collect characters and weapons, decide what style of game you like the most, experiment, and have fun. Enjoy the ch...

    Scarlet Fate

    Scarlet Fate is a free browser MMORPG game developed by Game Hollywood studio.Help save the once sunny land from the mighty Dark Mage and set off on a journey full of magic and exciting adventures. Prepare your team for long expeditions during which they will have to fight hordes of enemies. Invite friends to support you on your...

    My Gym: Fitness Studio Manager

    My Gym: Fitness Studio Manager is a free, mobile simulation game developed by Tatem Games Inc. studio.Create your own gym and take over the fitness market. Invest in new exercise machines that will attract customers, decorate training rooms and take part in sports competitions. Manage clients and professional sports teams and he...

    Evil Awakening

    Evil Awakening is a free computer MMORPG game developed by R2Games studio. Join a fantastic world full of magic and strange creatures. Create your hero and set off on a journey through a mysterious world ruled by chaos, where only the stronger and toughest will survive. Fight powerful enemies, gain new levels, upgrade your equip...

    Angel's Call Idle

    Angel's Call Idle is a free computer game set in a fantasy world. Sign a contract with the legendary dragon on your journey through a huge fantasy world. Summon unique heroes to help you in battle and lead your army. The auto-combat mode will make it easier for you to get valuable items and explore caves even when you are AFK. E...

    World of Rune

    World of Rune is a free MMORPG from R2Games.Choose from four available classes: Swordsman, Archer, Mage or Cleric and start a new adventure in the magical world of runes. Meet amazing characters and cute mystical creatures on your way, fight powerful enemies and discover the secrets behind the game's plot. Develop your character...

    Magic Jigsaw Puzzles

    Magic Jigsaw Puzzles is a free puzzle game available for mobile users with iOS. Free yourself from stress by playing a very nice game that has already been downloaded by over 50 million people from around the world. Choose from over 25,000 various pictures and enjoy an infinite amount of fun. You can adapt the levels of difficul...

    Sword Masters

    Sword Masters is a lively and exciting browser MMORPG that combines all the best aspects of the genre. Join Kirito and his friends on a new magical adventure full of powerful enemies, dangers and traps. Lead a team of powerful heroes, level up, collect equipment and constantly develop your skills. Explore an epic story that will...

    8 Ball Master

    8 Ball Master is a free online pool game created by Game Hollywood. The game "8 Ball" is a popular variation of billiards in which the goal is to place all the balls in the game (four full-color balls and four striped balls and the No. 8 ball) into specific pockets on the pool table. In 8 Ball Master, you'll step into the shoes ...

    Be The Richest

    Be The Richest is an exciting board game combining elements of strategy, negotiation and competition, which allows players to take on the role of ambitious entrepreneurs striving to achieve financial success. Throughout the game, players will build their business empire, make risky decisions, negotiate contracts and expand their...

    Gold Tower Defence

    Gold Tower Defense is an exciting tower defense game in which players must defend their gold against a constant wave of enemies. You take on the role of a commander, building and upgrading defense towers to effectively repel enemy attacks, and your task is to strategically place a variety of defense towers, each with unique skil...

    Titan Revenge

    Immersed in the vast tapestry of Norse mythology, Game Hollywood's Titan Revenge unfolds as an MMORPG that plunges players into a land teetering on the edge of apocalypse.Your mission is full of dangers as you must face mighty giants, mythical creatures and treacherous gods that stand in your way. Will you emerge victorious from...

    Crimson Angel

    Crimson Angel is a fascinating ARPG game that invites players to explore a fantastic world full of magic and adventure. Breathtaking 3D graphics and fluid combat mechanics immerse players in an extraordinary journey filled with legendary armor, powerful weapons, and awe-inspiring creatures. Customize your character with a multit...

    Certified Online IQ Test

    Check your IQ with the Certified Online IQ Test....


    Get $20 upon registration & withdraw xrp successfully....

    Blade of Queen

    Play Blade of Queen today and experience a whole new adventure in this free-to-play browser MMORPG game. Woo your queens in order to gain affinity, powerful bonuses and become their blade against the evil.Fight in turn-based combat system to defeat more and more mightful enemies and upgrade your entire team in many different way...

    Book of Ra

    Book of Ra is a casino game which by name of course intends to represent Egypt. The game is driving us into the ancient world in which we become a Scientist who is looking for the book of the ancient god Ra. If you like the free casino games, then the Book of Ra is just for you! ...

    Brawl of Ages

    Clash Royale for PC? Is it even possible? Well, Brawl of Ages is trying to satisfy the computer players with its own version of this phenomenon available on the mobiles.Brawl of Ages ​is, just like his counterpart, a free-to-play multiplayer Collectible Card Arena, however it tries to make some things different. Our goal is simp...

    Games of Glory

    Jump onto the intergalactic arenas of Games of Glory, a brand new Shooter MobA created by a French team from Lightbulb Crew. Choose among over a dozen different characters with unique abilities. Invite your friends to play with and together, face your enemies on two different maps and two game modes.Fight in 4v4 battles on the A...


    Win the favour of the gods in Grepolis! Conquer the Ancient Greece in a free browser strategy game developed and published by InnoGames, the company responsible for such epic games like Tribal Wars, Forge of Empires or The West​Create your own army composed of ordinary units like Swordsmen, Hoplites or Archers as well as of crea...

    Big Farm

    Do you like living in a countryside? Would you like to start your own farm? To raise animals, plant seeds and harvest crops? This game is perfect for you! Big Farm will definitely make this dream come true with its pleasing to the eye and colourful graphics. Lead a life of a farmer, get paid for your hard work and enjoy the effe...


    CrossFire is a MMOFPS game including some typical features for this kind of game like a rank and funds system. The game offers four modes of great playability: Team Deathmatch, Search & Destroy, Elimination and Ghost Mode, each of them using their own, unique maps.Besides experience points, for each match we’re also receivin...

    Desert Operations

    Desert Operations is among the most famous browser strategy games. Lead a country and develop it, in order to become a power. Make alliances with other players and together attack, declare wars and become invincible! Take care of your economy, develop your army in order to acquire even better units and defend yourself against ot...

    Hero Zero

    Batman, Ironman, Spiderman. Would you like to be just like them? Well, now it is possible! Make your own character and slowly, advance your goal. At the beginning, you’ll be doing missions in your neighborhood, just some mere trivialities like chasing away some nagging kids or searching a catnip for your neighbor’s k...

    Naruto Online

    Become a ninja now in Naruto Online, a brand new browser (or client) MMORPG licensed by Bandai Namco, where we are able to take part of the epic adventure known from the Masashi Kishimito's manga.In fact, we have a choice between 5 characters with different skills - two young ladies and three guys, each of them having their own ...

    Kingdoms Mobile - Total Clash

    Kingdoms Mobile - Total Clash is an other strategy free-to-play mobile game created by the studio IGG responsible for such games as Lords Mobile or Castle Clash - that's why you should be aware of its great quality!If you are expecting an other battle-card game clone, then you should be pleasantly surprised. First of all, in thi...

    Cabals: Card Blitz

    Cabals: Card Blitz is an automated collectible card game developed by the Kyy Games studio. If you do like the card games, but you are not too convinced of real-time duels, then Cabals: Card Blitz has been made specially for you!Build your own decks with unique cards and prove their utility in fast 30-seconds battles against AI....

    Adventure with Misty

    Adventure with Misty is a free arcade game in which you play the role of the witch Misty, your assistant from the Gamehag portal.This time, however, Misty will not be able to help you to get free rewards.In the game you will face frightening adversities. Avoid the deadly spikes and the dragon fire, collect the Soul Gems so they ...

    Imperia Online

    A browser game in which we’re playing as a ruler of an Empire! Our main objectives are the expansion, the conquest and the victory! It’s a much expanded economic strategy game providing us lots of emotions and satisfaction. Improve your city, conquer others, extend your army and your influence. Make alliances or wage...

    My Free Zoo

    My Free Zoo is a very popular browser game which has already earned its recognition not only among children, but also among adults. The key to this game is the combination of the ZOO simulation with the possibility to move your brain and to take control over the ZOO created by you. The player has to show not only cleverness and ...

    My Little Farmies

    My little Farmies is a strategy browser game, set up in the medieval times. When you develop your village, you get the possibility to unblock some new features. First of all, you have to always make sure that your village is improving, Your field cannot just look beautifully, but it has to be practical! One of the most important...


    Nostale is an anime-like MMORPG. The player is an adventurer who has to end the war with the race of Kovolts. The player starts with a basic class, which may be enhanced with more specializations  during the character’s grow. Basically, we have three classes with different skills. After reaching a certain level, there is a possi...


    Islandoom is a strategic MMO game in a futuristic atmosphere. Explore the islands inhabited by pirates, set off your ship for exciting missions to gain valuable items and resources and create empowering alliances. Develop your character while opening access to further functions in the game.Gather and build – get, store and spend...

    Sword Art Online

    Sword Art Online is a free browser game, based on the popular anime series of the same name. There are three roles to choose from in the game: Swordsman, Mage and Ranger. Each character has his own unique appearance, skills and a different way of fighting. By defeating the more powerful creatures, we have a chance to find legend...


    Cargotycoon is a completely free browser game in which you'll play the role of the owner of your transport company. Start your own enterprise and compete with other players to be number one on the transport company market. Purchase the vans needed for work, hire drivers to start your business and invest in training them so they ...


    OGame is a browser strategy game set up in the space. It should appeal not only to the players interested by the universe, but also to the wide community of strategic games fans. The first quest the player has is choosing his server – the universe. And then the game begins!  We can choose between a variety of planets, moons and ...

    Rail Nation

    Lay the tracks on the way to your own railway empire!Rail Nation is a browser strategy game coming from the Bright Future studio, that lets the players become one of the railway magnates.As the president of a small company in North America, we’ll develop our business to finally become a transport giant. However, we’re not the on...

    The Settlers

    The Settlers Online is a browser strategy game based on the series, which from the very beginning was destined for the Amiga computers. Obviously, as in most strategy games, our main goal is to expand our kingdom. The people that inhabits your lands cannot be ignored. You should take care of a constant food availability, as your...


    Travian is one of the most popular strategic games, which has become nearly a legend! The game is set during the wars against German and Gallic barbarians. So we start by choosing between one of three available factions. We can play the Gauls, who are the masters of defense; the Teutons specialized in the attack and the Romans, ...

    Magic Nations

    Magic Nations is a strategic card game available on Steam in which you will join a magical world full of real surprises!Let the charming, fairy-tale graphics and pleasant climate music draw you into the vortex of card fights! Meet the 6 races available in the game, we have brave amazons, cunning people, wise elves, brave dwarves...

    Call of Antia

    Call of Antia is a free mobile RPG game developed by KingsGroup International studio. Enter the magical world of Antia and take part in an adventure full of combat, magic and dragons. Try different strategies and tactics, connect 3 puzzles of the same shape together and defeat the enemies that stand in your way. Expand your own ...

    Wizard 101

    Wizard 101 is a free client game, reminding us the magical world of Harry Potter. Why so? Well, because we’ll enter a School of Magic, in which, as a new student, we’ll deepen our knowledge and enhance our spell casting! Before we download the client, we’re making our character – we have to choose the gen...

    Vikings: War of Clans

    ATTENTION! The offer is available only for NEW users! The Vikings fans finally lived to see a real treat in form of a genuine MMO game. It is time to take your battle axe and move into the world of the Vikings, to face the challenge which is leading a village.Become a real earl, expand your village and carry out the attacks on y...

    OnePiece Online

    One Piece Online is a game based on a popular Japanese manga of the same name. The main game character, as the manga character, is named Monkey D. Luffy, accompanied by his crazy crew which are traversing the seas in treasure hunt. An important thing is the fact, that the player can play as each of the crew members, that are dif...


    Opera is a web browser that will allow you to safely visit any website.Enjoy extremely fast web browsing speed on both mobile and desktop devices. Opera ensures safe browsing of the web without any problems. The speed of page loading guarantees the comfort of use and quick jumping to different tabs. The browser also offers a fre...


    K4G is an advanced but simple gaming platform that allows users to buy digital goods, such as game cd keys for Steam, Origin, Battle.net, Prepaids cards for PSN, Xbox and many more. The K4G goal is to provide the best price and a safe place to buy game codes for every user with TOP-NOTCH CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE at each step of thei...

    Earnweb Android

    Earnweb is a website where you perform tasks and earn Coins, and then withdraw them from your virtual wallet to the real one - e.g. to your Paypal account!Starting earning online with Earnweb - the most efficient moneymaking website out there. Earnweb lets you earn on Surveys, Games, through apps, Cashbacks, and more! Quick payo...

    Idle Lumber Empire

    Idle Lumber Empire is a free, mobile factory simulator, created by Game Veterans studio. Open your business in the world of lumberjacks and lead it so that your company becomes one of the most important and desirable services in the world. Start modestly to earn more money over time and expand your factory to a huge size. Be sur...